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Jewish Thinking

Jewish Thinking

Why Was the Redemption Orchestrated by the Merit of Pious Women?

Why Was the Redemption Orchestrated by the Merit of Pious...

Rav Réouven ELBAZ

The redemption from Egypt is connected to the merit of pious women. Our masters wrote: "Israel was delivered from Egypt through the merit of pious women."

The Prohibition of Being Proud: Right to the Goal

The Prohibition of Being Proud: Right to the Goal

Rav Yaakov ADES

1. In the "Nefesh Ha'Chaim", in the additional chapters between the third and fourth part, it says: "Dear reader, with the help of Hashem, I have guided you on the path...

Creating a Relationship with G-d

Creating a Relationship with G-d

The Torah-Box Team

How can we create a relationship with Hashem, Blessed Be He? How can we reach a level wherein nothing else disturbs us, no one can hurt us, and that only the will of G-d...

Why Are You Waiting for Mashiach?

Why Are You Waiting for Mashiach?

Rav Binyamin SAADA

It is clearly written in the Gemara that three things come to us inadvertently: “the Mashiach, a discovery (a bargain or treasure) and a scorpion”.

How Will Life Be Like After the Revelation of Mashiach?

How Will Life Be Like After the Revelation of Mashiach?

Wednesday March 10th, 2021

The Rambam writes that at the time of our redemption, life will carry on as usual, no different than during our exile, except for the fact that the Nations of the world...

I Can Identify All the Jews in Two Minutes

I Can Identify All the Jews in Two Minutes

Rav Emmanuel MIMRAN

"It will take me two minutes to identify all the Jewish children," proclaimed Rabbi Eliezer Silver.

Who Saved My Son Soldier?

Who Saved My Son Soldier?

The Torah-Box Team

During one of the attacks in Hevron, a soldier named Chananel was wounded by an Islamist terrorist who ambushed him and shot him at close range before fleeing.

Rabbi Steinman: Outstanding Respect for his Fellowmen

Rabbi Steinman: Outstanding Respect for his Fellowmen

Sunday March 7th, 2021

Let's talk about the subject of man's relationship with his neighbor. This subject touches an area that calls for improvement. For example, a man can act decently... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday April 4th, 2025 at 19:06 *
Shabbat ends at 20:07 *
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