Jewish Thinking
Shakespeare Never Really Studied Torah….
More than four hundred years have gone by since William Shakespeare created Shylock, the protagonist of the Merchant of Venice.
The Hebrew Language: A Supreme Meaning
The Hebrew language is extremely significant in Judaism. Through this language, we recite blessings, prayers, and learn the Torah.
A Patient Whose Doctor Disconnected His Life Support Machine
In the book Vehigadeta, Rav Yaakov Galinsky shares a startling story: "One day when I was in a hospital, a doctor came to find me. He looked concerned and he asked to...
I Never Wanted to Make Aliyah
I never really wanted to make Aliyah. Sure, I sometimes considered it after spending a summer in Israel, enjoying the separate beach facilities, eating a huge hamburger,...
Why Do I Feel that G-d Is Not Listening to My Prayers?
Many Jews experience the feeling mentioned in this title. They pray and yet they feel that G-d is not listening to their prayers and that in fact, nothing has changed...
7 Messages from Autistic People
1. "I am autistic and I see the world differently from most human beings. I see man as a divine creature. I clearly see the body and the soul, and their connection to...
10 Quotes and Tips from the Vilna Gaon
1. Shabbat is an extremely holy day: "On Shabbat and festival days, we must not speak of things that are not absolutely necessary.
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday April 4th, 2025 at 19:06 *Shabbat ends at 20:07 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community