Jewish Thinking
Creating a Relationship with G-d
How can we create a relationship with Hashem, Blessed Be He? How can we reach a level wherein nothing else disturbs us, no one can hurt us, and that only the will of G-d matters to us?
Imagine that you work for a wonderful boss who welcomes each of your requests with compassion, pays you a high salary on time, and allows each of his employees to come to his home and ask whatever they want. He has billions of employees and yet, every one of them can enter his office at any time and talk to him.
He treats each of the requests that are addressed to him with understanding, and he does not consider these requests intrusive, and he waits and hopes that his employees will enter his office, send him a request and thank him for his kindness.
We have such a boss: The Creator of the universe. He gives us gifts all day, and with every gift, he gives us the opportunity to knock on the door, enter and say, "Thank you very much, Boss! "
That is the aim of the Brachot. We wake up every morning, and someone has prepared us food and drink and given us the chance to eat them, as well as a digestive system that digests that food. How can we take advantage of all this without saying thank you?
We could have woken up with our eyes closed or blind, but no, "Blessed are You ... that gives sight to the blind.'' We could have woken up paralyzed: "Blessed are You ... who delivers the prisoners". How many people cannot get up from bed? "Blessed ... who raises those who bend over."
There are underground water reserves and G-d has placed earth under our feet: "Blessed are You ... who spreads the earth on the water. G-d also "provided for all my needs". He "strengthens the steps of man" and is concerned that we do not fall into traps; He "girds the Jew with power"; "Shield the Jew from splendor" and "give strength to the weary". We went to bed tired and we get up with renewed energy.
The Creator of the universe does not need our thanks, but He has given us, in His compassion, the merit of being constantly connected to Him.
A Jew once complained to me that he was not able to reach me for a long time. He really had a hard time finding me. I said, "I'll give you another number. This number is free 24 hours a day. You can ask for anything you want and I will answer you. "
"Give me the number! demanded the excited Jew.
"This number is found in the book of Tehillim, in Ashrei, at the letter Kuf: "G-d is close to all those who call Him'. The number works only for those who "really call it"...
A group of young Americans came to visit the Steipler to ask him for a Bracha. The Steipler replied, "Am I a factory of Brachot? Do you keep Shabbat properly? Do you believe in G-d? If you are not acting correctly, why are you coming to ask me for blessings?!"
The Steipler nevertheless gave them advice, just as a father would do for his son: "Listen, I cannot give any Brachot to a person who does not keep the Mitzvot properly. Nothing can help him. But despite everything, I have a piece of advice; even such a person, when he addresses a prayer to G-d, Hashem watches over him. Pray! Pray wholeheartedly to the Creator of the world, and you will receive everything you ask for! The Bracha is up to you!"
There are many cases of totally non-practicing Jews who, when they addressed G-d wholeheartedly, He answered them.
Extract from Aryeh Shaag
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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