Jewish Thinking
A Woman's Discretion Gives Immeasurable Value to Her Actions
Behind every great man lies a devoted mother. No one saw her actions, no one knows what she did, no one can imagine how much she gave, how much she sacrificed and how...
This World? A Piece of Bread in a Ghetto
Rav Galintsky recounts: After the Second World War, I found myself in a transit camp. One day, I saw a fight. A man was shouting at someone, "Give me back my...
The Chametz Sitting in Our Hearts
As Pesach approaches, everyone is busy cleaning their house. We scrub the walls, we clear the cabinets, we clean the fridge and oven, we purchase Kosher products for...
Pesach: Three Gems About The Holiday
Rav Mordechai Steboun, a student of the Vaizra Yitzchak Collel, offers us three gems on Pesach, to spiritually enhance our experience!
A Search for Extraordinary Chametz
This story took place during the Cold War. At that time, life was almost impossible for Jews living in Leningrad. When a non-Jew worked long hours throughout the week,...
Pesach- Are you Completely Free My Friends?
Last year, before Pesach, I was invited by an organization dedicated to the well-being of prisoners in Israeli jails, to say a few words of encouragement and to...
Non-Jews: The 7 Laws of Noach
It is written in the Parsha of Noah: "flesh with its soul, its blood, you shall not eat." (Bereshit 9, 4).
Pesach- A Holiday of Emunah and Tefila
To jump into a rough sea? It does not seem logical. Why such a cruel death after surviving all the misfortunes from long slavery? Why jump into the water after all that?
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday April 4th, 2025 at 19:06 *Shabbat ends at 20:07 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community