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Jewish Thinking

Who Saved My Son Soldier?

Published on Sunday March 7th, 2021

During one of the attacks in Hevron, a soldier named Chananel was wounded by an Islamist terrorist who ambushed him and shot him at close range before fleeing.

This happened very early in the morning, so that no one was yet in the street, especially since the attack occurred in a secluded area where Jews did not go, and where even the soldiers avoided going. The soldier was seriously injured, lying on the ground, bleeding, and of course, could not be saved.

Miraculously, the sound of gunfire reached the ears of a nearby soldier, who hurried to check what had happened. Seeing the wounded man, he gave him first aid, treated his wounds, and hurried to call for rescue.

His dedication to the victim was limitless, and he decided to join him in the ambulance and accompany him to the hospital. When arriving at the hospital, the Saviour did not want to leave the soldier alone until his parents arrived, and stayed with him the whole time.

From the first moment the doctors examined the soldier, they declared that without the first aid he was given, he would not be alive. When the parents arrived, the anonymous saviour hurried off. The parents, who tried to find out who had saved their son, did not succeed in finding his identity. Even after the son’s release from the hospital, the parents continued to try to find out who was the anonymous saviour, but in vain.

The wounded soldier's parents were long-time residents of the city of Kiryat Malakhi and owned a grocery store. On their way home, they posted a large sign in front of the grocery store explaining the miracle that had happened to their son, praising and thanking Hashem the Creator of the world for the kindness He had done to them. They also mentioned the anonymous soldier who saved their son by asking anyone with information about the event to help them find the soldier.

The sign remained posted on the store for a long time.

A year and a half later, a woman living in Beer Sheva entered the store to buy something. On her way out, she saw the sign and entered the store again all moved. Before even getting a word out of her mouth, she fell into the arms of the shop owner, bursting into tears: "This is my son! It's my son! She cried. "My son saved your son! "

She told the parents in shock that about two years ago, her son had gone home to tell her that he had rescued a wounded soldier and went with him to the hospital. The details of the story depicted on the sign corresponded precisely to her son's story.

The woman called her son and asked him to come to Kiryat Malachi. And indeed, in a short time, it turned out that he was the anonymous saviour.

The moving meeting between the two families became the subject of the day in Kiryat Malachi.

When the moment of separation came, the mother of the saviour soldier asked the wounded soldier's mother to come with her to a separate room.

"This is not the first time we meet. Apparently, you do not remember me, but we've already met, here, in this shop, 22 years ago. "

Kiryat Malachi's wife did not see where Beer Sheva's wife was going.

She went on to say: "Twenty-two years ago, I went there, and I came to your store to buy a product. At that time, I was pregnant, and a pleasant conversation ensued between us, during which I told you about the difficulties I was experiencing during this pregnancy and my intention to abort. Hearing this, you and your husband gathered all your powers of persuasion to prevent me from doing that. You spoke of the incredible happiness that children bring, you told me that in all good things there are difficulties, and on the contrary, the greater the difficulties, the greater the intensity of happiness will be. You spoke and spoke until I became convinced and decided to give birth to this baby despite the enormous problems I was experiencing. The soldier who saved your son in this Hevron attack is the baby who was born 22 years ago, who came into the world only by your merit. Hakadosh Baruch Hu has returned it to you ... "

The incredible strength of Divine Providence (Hachgacha pratit)!

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