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Jewish Thinking

Non-Jews: The 7 Laws of Noach

Published on Tuesday March 30th, 2021

It is written in the Parsha of Noah: "flesh with its soul, its blood, you shall not eat." (Bereshit 9, 4).

It is impossible to explain in a few lines the importance of respecting the 7 laws of Noah. Partly, because, on the one hand, they relate to all the nations who did not receive the Torah at Mount Sinai, and, on the other hand, their ignorance leads non-Jews to transgress them - a violation of which the implications are particularly serious when they reside in the land of Israel (guer toshav) - it seems appropriate to remember what Noach’s seven laws really are, and why must we publicize them around us. This article’s starting point lies on chapters 9 and 10 which covers the Laws of the Kings (hilchot melachim) written by the Rambam, two chapters that should be studied more deeply.

Hilchot Melachim

Here is what the Rambam wrote in the opening of Chapter 9 of Hilchot melachim: "harishon - the first man - Adam was commanded to observe six things..."

1. Not to worship idols.

2. Not to curse G-d (Birkat Hashem): this is the prohibition of blasphemy, either by using the name itself (Beshem Hameyuchad) or by means of any adjective (kinoui) in all languages (Hilchot melachim, 9, 3).

3. Not to commit murder (Shefichut Damim). Even that of an embryo in the womb of his mother (Hilchot melachim 9, 4).

4. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. There are six different forms which are prohibited: the Ben Noach doesn't have the right to have a relationship with his mother, with the wife of his father, with a married woman, with his maternal sister, nor with another man - no matter what  age - nor with any animal species. In Bereshit 2:24, it is written that "this is why man abandons his father and mother; He joined his wife, and they become one flesh" – see Hilchot Melachim 9: 5.

5. Not to steal: "the Ben Noach is punished for theft, if he steals from a Jew or a non-Jew.“ And that is if he steals goods or a person, or when he withholds the salary of an employee, even an employee who was eating outside his lunch break. The Ben Noach is guilty in all these cases and he is put in the same category as thieves, which is not the case of a Ben Israel. “Similarly the Ben Noach is liable for a theft of even less than a penny" (Hilchot melachim, 9, 9).

6. He [Adam] was urged to appeal laws (al hadinim)."The Bnei Noach are obliged to establish judges (Dayanim) and magistrates (Shoftim) in each city to rule over the 6 other laws and to warn the people not to sin against them." A Ben Noah who violates one of these 6 laws is indeed guilty of death by the sword (...) on the testimony of a single witness and by the ruling of a judge without it being necessary to warn him beforehand (belo hatraha), on the testimony of his close ones, but not by a woman, who cannot be a judge." (Hilchot Melachim 9, 14).

7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal (Ever Min hachai). This law was added by Noach just as it is forbidden for the Ben Noach to consume any piece of flesh, as small as it can be (Kol Cheshu), of a living animal. He is still allowed to consume the blood of a living animal (Hilchot Melachim 9, 10). However, “flesh with its soul, its blood, you shall not eat." (Bereshit 9, 4).

This was how the world was living, until Avraham came. The latter was instructed to respect the Brit Mila and the Shacharit prayer (the morning prayer). Yitzchak took the tithe (Maaser) and added the Mincha prayer (the evening prayer). Yaakov added the prohibition of eating the sciatic nerve (Guid Hanasheh), and he prayed Maariv (the night prayer). In Egypt, Amram was instructed to observe some additional commands, until Moshe Rabbeinu, and then the Torah  was completed -  nishlema Torah al yado (Hilchot Melachim, 9, 1).

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