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Jewish Thinking

Jewish Thinking

Why Don’t I Have a Smartphone??

Why Don’t I Have a Smartphone??

Monday August 9th, 2021

Recently, a message was posted on social media and circulated rapidly. The message consisted of a photo of a poster hanging at the entrance of an American nursery in...

A Jewish Girl, Brutally Torn Away from Her Mother

A Jewish Girl, Brutally Torn Away from Her Mother

Saturday June 19th, 2021

When a Nazi train carrying Jewish prisoners arrived at a concentration camp near a Polish town, several curious Poles stepped out to watch the Jews disembark. Confused...

The Ephrussi Family Story: Wealth, Assimilation and Annihilation…

The Ephrussi Family Story: Wealth, Assimilation and...

Jocelyne SCEMAMA

A book on the Ephrussi family was published recently. The story describes the lavish lifestyle of Ephrussi family members, scattered around Europe’s largest...

Why Is the Land of Israel Acquired Through Hardship?

Why Is the Land of Israel Acquired Through Hardship?

Sunday June 6th, 2021

Our Sages teach us that the Land of Israel is acquired through hardship.

Superman, Christopher Reeve and … Passover!

Superman, Christopher Reeve and … Passover!

Millions of admirers have known him as the legendary "Iron Man", able to uproot cliffs and lift buildings, but one day Christopher Reeve woke up and found that he was...

A Message from Philippe Petit, the Tightrope Walker

A Message from Philippe Petit, the Tightrope Walker

Tuesday May 11th, 2021

Tens of thousands of Manhattan residents held their breath on a sunny spring morning in 1974. The scene that unfolded before their eyes were unbelievable. They were not...

7 Tombs of Tzadikim to Visit in Israel

7 Tombs of Tzadikim to Visit in Israel

The Torah-Box Team

Who are the Tzadikim buried in central and southern Israel? What did they do during their lifetime and what are the Segulot associated with their graves after their...

Warning: I Am a Perfectionist!

Warning: I Am a Perfectionist!


Sarah, 35 years old, has always thrived in every area of her life. Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday April 4th, 2025 at 19:06 *
Shabbat ends at 20:07 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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