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Torah-Box News

Monday May 20th

Every Day Counts

Every Day Counts

Counting of the Omer - Rav Yosef-Chaim Sitruk

We are currently in the middle of counting the 'Omer ... these famous 49 days which prepare us to receive the Torah, on Shavuot.

The Last Day of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

The Last Day of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

On his last day alive, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai merited revealing many of the Torah’s secrets. He fully took advantage of his last hours to communicate esoteric...

Sunday May 19th

Getting Married During the Omer: An Extraordinary Psak Din

Getting Married During the Omer: An Extraordinary Psak Din

Torah World - The Torah-Box Team

An unusual situation, exceptional reaction.

Did You Know, The Reincarnation of The Jewish Soul

Did You Know, The Reincarnation of The Jewish Soul

Jewish Thinking - Noémie HADIDA

Each one of us has been sent to this Earth with a very specific purpose.

Pesach Sheni: A Second Chance

Pesach Sheni: A Second Chance

7-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Sylvie Schatz.

Friday May 17th

Sefirat HaOmer : Laws of Counting The Omer

Sefirat HaOmer : Laws of Counting The Omer

Counting of the Omer - The Torah-Box Team

In the days of the Holy Temple, the Mitzvah of counting the Omer was a Torah commandment, but nowadays – because of our faults – it is only a Rabbinic...

Holy Times

Holy Times

Emor - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

The parsha of Emor contains a chapter dedicated to the festivals of the Jewish year.

Emor: Why Do We Count The Omer?

Emor: Why Do We Count The Omer?

3-minute video class given by Rabbi Benzion SHAFIER.

Thursday May 16th

Respecting Parents: An Opportunity for their Children

Respecting Parents: An Opportunity for their Children

Honoring Parents - The Torah-Box Team

It is often thought that the mitzvah of respecting one's parents is part of the privileges accorded to them in response to their efforts to raise their children, a sort... Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *
Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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