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Counting of the Omer

Counting of the Omer

Every Day Counts

Published on Monday May 20th, 2019

We are currently in the middle of counting the 'Omer ... these famous 49 days which prepare us to receive the Torah, on Shavuot. It is true that we women do not count the 'Omer' because it is a Mitzvah that is dependent on time, so, a priori, it does not really seem to concern us. But still! We too are waiting for the gift of the Torah and we too must purify ourselves, therefore: each one in their way prepares themselves.

This preparation is essentially done in our heart and through our mouths, and as we have already mentioned elsewhere, the root of all things is thought. Indeed, we must constantly work our thoughts and try to develop the concept of "Mochin Degadlout" - meaning a notion of greatness, largesse of spirit - in order to keep in mind an essential wisdom: that of recognizing Hashem in all situations and trying to understand Him in order to come closer to serve Him.

Every moment that passes is different, and every day one has the opportunity to acquire new understandings that will help him move towards his goal. Of course, as we all know
we all have moments of darkness that prevent us from moving forward. Even Aharon Hacohen, the brother of Moshe Rabbeinu, was caught with "Mochin Dekatnout" - narrow mindedness. Here is the story: Aharon Hacohen did not want to come close to the Mizbeach (altar) to perform the service of the Cohanim, because, every time he saw it, he saw a calf instead ... his spirit was haunted by the fault of the golden calf he had initiated ... And yet, Hashem had already forgiven him a long time ago for his sin. In order for him to advance and come out of this narrow state of mind, Moshe Rabbeinu had to say to him: "Strengthen yourself, for Hashem has already forgiven you! ".

Of course, you could think and say that this story does not really concern you because his fault was already forgiven, and, in addition, the Tzaddik himself was there to strengthen him ... and you, in your daily life, how should we go about?! Know that the Sages teach us that we must be like tightrope walkers who refrain from looking to the right or left, precisely to never lose the goal: to achieve.

Also, Rabbi Nathan teaches us that the daily obstacles that everyone encounters are proportional to the spiritual level one seek to achieve. So we should not feel discouraged when we sometimes see that we cannot progress because of our difficulties, and also when we see the amount of work to be done to get closer, sometimes, just a few inches closer to Hashem.

Do not forget that as long as you keep the Mochin Degadlout, this expanded consciousness, you manage to maintain a mental strength so as not to be affected by the difficulties which, precisely, can bring you to the famous danger of Mochin Degadlout ", that is, the depression and despair that will weaken all your abilities.

In fact, what Hashem expects of you - and that is what will be your protection - are your constant efforts to strengthen yourself every day, whatever happens. These obstacles are the will of Hashem and He wants you to overcome them. It is only in this state of mind that you will be able to utilize each passing day to bring you closer to Him.

Even if sometimes you cannot pray or do some Mitzvos, it does not matter! Do something else that may seem simpler, trying to do your best to stay connected to Hakadoch Baroukh Hou.

Do not ever tell yourself that a day that has started badly is lost in advance, Chas Veshalom, because that would lead us to think that it is no longer necessary to continue doing efforts to serve Hashem, but all your essence and all your creation has been made for you to serve Him with.

The famous phrase "I'll do better tomorrow": is to avoid to the maximum! On the contrary, become aware that each day is a gift because every moment counts and is important!

This is actually the lesson of the 49 days of 'Omer' that teach us the importance of getting the most out of every day, whatever happens, because every day counts.

Rav Yosef-Chaim Sitruk - © Torah-Box Account

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