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Torah-Box News

Tuesday May 28th

Beware of Missionary Tallit and Tzitzit Sold on the Internet!

Beware of Missionary Tallit and Tzitzit Sold on the...

News - The Torah-Box Team

Caution! Even if you like to shop online, do not fall into the trap of buying a Tallit or Tzitzit anywhere on the Internet.

Facebook: The Kingdom of Happy People

Facebook: The Kingdom of Happy People

Jewish Thinking - Elyssia BOUKOBZA

Close your eyes and imagine...Imagine a Kingdom where everyone is happy. Everyone travels to exotic destinations, experiences mind-blowing adventures and shares a...

Isaiah: the Prophet as the Ideal Leader

Monday May 27th

 I am Single and I am only Introduced to Unfit Guys

I am Single and I am only Introduced to Unfit Guys

Couple - Nathalie SEYMAN

Question: "I'm 31 years old and single. So far, so good ... except that people in my circle keep “wonderful” introducing me with men that are unsuitable . "

Pray Because Nothing Is Impossible for Hashem

Pray Because Nothing Is Impossible for Hashem

This is the true story of an old man who died in Jerusalem sometime ago. As the custom requires, one must bury the dead as quickly as possible, if possible before sunset.

Sunday May 26th

One Action 80 Years Later

One Action 80 Years Later

21-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Esther Bitensky.

Friday May 24th

Behar: The Mitzvot of Shemita

Behar: The Mitzvot of Shemita

22-minute video class given by Rav Avi GROSSMAN.

Family Feeling

Family Feeling

Behar - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

I argued in Covenant and Conversation Kedoshim that Judaism is more than an ethnicity. It is a call to holiness. In one sense, however, there is an important... Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *
Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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