Lag BaOmer
The Last Day of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
On his last day alive, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai merited revealing many of the Torah’s secrets. He fully took advantage of his last hours to communicate esoteric teachings to his most faithful disciples.
He spent the entire day immersed in the Divine Torah. As sunset approached, Rabbi Shimon said, "Blessed be He and blessed be the Name of the Creator forever. All our words are authentic, all our words are holy. We must not deviate from them to the left nor to the right. All are secrets, which were concealed and hidden because I dreaded revealing them. But now, they have been revealed. God knows that it was not in my honor or in my father’s honor that I spoke, but in order to guide my students. And I see that the Creator agrees with me and rejoices in my happiness. "
He recovered his spirit and sat down. His lips murmured a prayer. It was impossible to stare in his direction, lest one be startled by the luminescence he exuded. He said, "All my life, I've been begging to reveal this secret. And up until today, my request has been turned down. But today, I received permission. I decree that this day does not turn into the night like any ordinary day. This day belongs to me, as I begin to reveal the secrets. And so it was.
Rabbi Shimon sat down, engaging in the Divine Torah. Rabbi Aba sat down in front of him and took notes. His son, Rabbi Elazar repeated all his words. His students listened absorbed in overwhelming emotion. A fire burned around them, and the sun did not set. He revealed hidden Torah secrets from the Kabbalah until he reached the verse, "For this is where God has bestowed his blessing of a happy life for all eternity. "
Rabbi Aba said: Rabbeinu had not finished enunciating the word Chaim (life) when his words began to become increasingly imperceptible. And I, who took notes, wished only to write more and more. I could neither hear nor raise my head because the brightness surrounding my master was overwhelming. I could not look in his direction. Then, I heard a Bat Kol, a heavenly voice, declare, "For they will be worthy of long days, years of life and peace." I was shaken. I heard another voice say: "He has asked you for the gift of life, you have granted it to him, for many long days following each other without end." Throughout the day a fire burned in the house, and no one could come near him because he was engulfed by light and fire. "
"We remained prostrated to the ground and cried all day long. Once the fire extinguished itself, we saw Rabbeinu Hakadosh, the summit of holiness, leave this world, wrapped in his garment, lying on his right side with a smiling face. His son, Rabbi Elazar, got up, grabbed his hands and kissed them. His friends wanted to cry but could not make a sound. Rabbi Haye stood up and said, "So far Rabbeinu has been working for us, now it is time for us to reciprocate." Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Aba stood up and carried his casket outside. Preceded by burning fire, the casket flew up in the air. Everyone heard a celestial voice declaring: "Go up, come gather together for Rabbi Shimon's Yahrzeit." He who follows the right path enters into peace, resting on his bed. "
"When we entered the cave, we heard a voice coming from its depths:" This is a man who makes the earth tremble, he is wrathful at kingdoms. Many sentences have been mitigated today thanks to you, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai! Your Creator was proud of you every day, rejoice in your lot and in the many higher worlds that are reserved for you! "It is said of you:" As you, walk towards the end, you will come into a place of rest, then you will go up to receive your lot at the end of days. "
The above text is the Aramaic translation of the Zohar's specific words. Of course, we have omitted the secrets of Kabbalah and the mysteries of the esoteric and mysterious higher spheres, unveiled that day, which spread over many pages in the holy Zohar.
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai died on the 33rd day of the Omer and was buried in Meron. In memory of the great fire that burned in his home all day, and in memory of the unfathomable Torah secrets he unveiled, all Jewish communities light bonfires and sing a famous canticle by his burial place: "Bar Yochai, Nimshachta Asherecha, Shemen Sasson Mechaverecha" "Bar Yochai, you are the lucky one, anointed with the joyous oil of wisdom by your companions."
Nearly five hundred years ago, Rabbeinu Ovadia Bartenura wrote: "On the day of Lag B'omer, the day of his passing, we come from all places to light big fires, to celebrate his perpetual light... Many infertile women have become pregnant and many sick people who took spiritual resolutions on themselves and gave tzedakah by his resting place were healed."
The Ari Hakadosh visited his resting place on the day of Lag B’Omer. Likewise, the Or Hachaim Hakadosh, came up to his grave when he disembarked in Eretz Israel. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he was overwhelmed with emotion. He descended from the donkey and began to climb the mountain on foot. As he ascended the mountain, he kept saying: "What is this place that I access? I, a modest man, advance towards a land of fire, a flame of holiness, in the presence of the heavenly host and the souls of the Tzadikim! "
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai had risen to the level of angels, if not higher. How did he rise? Through the study of the Torah, the fulfillment of the Mitzvot, prayer and divine service.
He was not born as the giant Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai that we know. He began by taking the first step. And the promise: "He who comes to purify himself is given help” applied to him. And likewise: "Open me an opening the size of the eye of a needle, and I will make you an opening the size of a palace. "
We are asked to open the size of the eye of a needle. And it is certainly worth trying. The results will be astonishing.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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