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Torah-Box News

Sunday June 2nd

Staying Awake on Shavuot

Staying Awake on Shavuot

Shavuot - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

One of the most prominent features of Shavuot is the universal Minhag (custom) for men to stay awake all night learning Torah.  The Magen Avraham explains the...

Friday May 31th

Bechukotai: Taking Control of History

Bechukotai: Taking Control of History

10-minute video class given by Rav Avi GROSSMAN.

A Sense of Direction

A Sense of Direction

Bechukotai - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

Smartphones can do amazing things – few more amazing than Waze, the Israeli-designed satellite navigation system acquired by Google in 2013.

The Sword in the Tongue

The Sword in the Tongue

Speech Laws - Rebbetzin Esther JUNGREIS

There is a terrible ordeal from which many of our people suffer. In the Torah, such an affliction is called onas devarim – verbal abuse. While we are all familiar...

Thursday May 30th

The Price of Peace

The Price of Peace

6-minute story told by Binyamin TJONG.

“I’ve Already Made Up My Mind! Hashem Is The Boss, I’m Staying!”

“I’ve Already Made Up My Mind! Hashem Is The Boss,...

Jewish Thinking - Rav Aharon Arié SCHEKHTER

The following story took place in a Kiruv seminar (for Jews in the process of coming closer to Judaism) in the United States.

Thoughts of Repentance on the Verge of Death

Thoughts of Repentance on the Verge of Death

Jewish Thinking - The Torah-Box Team

This moving story was reported in the Yated Neeman newspaper. It flashes upon the power of a Jew's thoughts of repentance, even moments before his death.

Wednesday May 29th

5 Facts About Parshat Bechukotai that You (Maybe) You Didn't Know

5 Facts About Parshat Bechukotai that You (Maybe) You...

Bechukotai - Eytan Yéhouda DZIKOWSKI

Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parsha that you can share at your Shabbos table.

The Spiritual Existence of the Jewish Woman, by Rebbetzin Brandwein

The Spiritual Existence of the Jewish Woman, by Rebbetzin...

Women - The Torah-Box Team

Rebbetzin Dina Brandwein, the Admour of Stratyn’s wife, is famous in the Jewish world for her tireless actions amongst the feminine public. Experienced in training...

The Value of Every Small Deed

The Value of Every Small Deed

15-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY. Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *
Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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