Torah-Box News
Thursday August 5th
Shlach:The Power of Attitudes
Parshas Shelach is well-known as the Parsha of spying. The Kli Yakar points out that three different words are used to describe the spying that took place in this...
Parshat Shlach : We Are Not Grasshoppers !
14-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
Wednesday August 4th
Rav Kanievsky: "Beware, Every Word You Say Has an Effect on...
Day in, day out, Rav Chaim Kanievsky of Bnei Brak listens to the sorrows of countless members of the Jewish nation, as they mention to him the names of their sick and...
Don't Look Any Further: Anti-Semitism Makes No Sense
Confusion was noticeable when radio presenter promptly claimed: “Suppose that the Muslim world hates us. However, how is it possible to understand the hatred...
Tuesday August 3th
Getting Rid of Idols, Getting Rid of Anger
12-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
Our Moral Rights Over the Land of Israel
The people of Israel are leading a long war against their neighbors, and not just on the battlefield. This war is also being waged with other nations’ battles of...
Monday August 2nd
Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l
1.A young Bahur (yeshiva student) having to undergo difficult and life-threatening surgery, addressed a question to Rav Aharon Leib Steinman: "How could he strengthen...
Sunday August 1st
An Exceptional Story: "From Thug to Rabbinical Judge”
Elishai lives next door to me. He is an excellent boy who is a few years younger than me. In order to make ends meet; he works with young immigrants from Ethiopia and...
Living in Galut While Preserving our Jewish Identity
Tell me where you live and I will tell you who you are...
The Severity of Anger
13-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Saturday July 31th
Educating Children: Insights from the Michkan and Hafrachat...
25-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Esther Bitensky.
Friday July 16th
5 Facts About Parshat Bamidbar that You (Maybe) Didn’t...
Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table. Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community