Torah-Box News
Tuesday August 17th
Kibud Av – How to Really Respect One's Parents
Honoring one's parents is one of Torah's most challenging commandments. Does it mean we need to obey by the book? What happens if we fundamentally disagree with...
Monday August 16th
The Professor from the Paris-Sorbonne's Remark
Shlomo Moshe, a friendly young man, had come from Morocco to Israel with the fervent desire to become a Torah scholar. This era - the 1950s - was that of the early days...
Sunday August 15th
Rav Lavi- Stabbed to Death: An Exceptional Tzaddik
Hashem never makes mistakes, He always takes back the best. Shortly after the tragic announcement of the death of Rav Nechemia Lavi, who attempted to save Jews from an...
Being Organized Is As Valuable As a Mitzvah!
Although being organized is not a mitzvah per se, tidiness and order are basic traits that help improve a person's character and refine his middot.
The Fine Line Between Self-Esteem and Arrogance
12-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Friday August 13th
Around the Chabbath Table: Korach
19-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.
Korach: A Lesson in Conflict Resolution
The Korach rebellion was the single most dangerous challenge to Moses’ leadership during the forty years that he led the people through the wilderness. The precise...
5 Facts About Parshat Korach that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know
Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table.
Thursday August 12th
Korach:The Sin of Korach’s Assembly
Bamidbar, 16:5-7: He [Moshe] spoke to Korach and to his entire assembly, saying, ‘In the morning, Hashem will make known who is His own and who is holy, and He...
Parshat Korach : Avoid Arguments, Protect Your Children
14-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
Wednesday August 11th
Open a Door as Tiny as the Eye of a Needle
Our sages interpret a passage from Midrash Rabbah on the Song of Songs (5.3): "Open to me my sister, my bride", as "open a door as tiny as the eye of a needle and I will... Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community