Torah-Box News
Wednesday June 9th
Thanks to Rav Steinman, Doctors Donned Tefillin for the...
An interesting story, which speaks volumes about the spiritual strength of the Rosh Yeshiva during his period of hospitalization, was revealed.
Tuesday June 8th
Why Are There Different Opinions in Jewish Law?
10-minute video class given by Rav Avi GROSSMAN.
The Ephrussi Family Story: Wealth, Assimilation and...
A book on the Ephrussi family was published recently. The story describes the lavish lifestyle of Ephrussi family members, scattered around Europe’s largest...
Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Chaim of Sanz
On the Yahrtzeit (anniversary of death) of our master, Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, the Torah-Box team is pleased to share with you a story about his life.
Monday June 7th
Honoring Elders
In Parashat Kedoshim, the Torah commands us to behave according to a basic tenet of Judaism: "Love your neighbor like yourself."
Share Yourself With Others
19-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.
Sefirat HaOmer: The laws of counting of the Omer
At the time of the temple, the Mitzvah of counting the Omer was commanded by the Torah, today due to our sins, it has become a commandment of our sages.
Sunday June 6th
Living With Emuna And Bitachon
14-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Why Is the Land of Israel Acquired Through Hardship?
Our Sages teach us that the Land of Israel is acquired through hardship.
How Does One Count the Omer Wisely?
This is the story of two childhood friends, one intelligent and one foolish; they studied together during their childhood. Once they became adults, their paths...
Exist Where Your Thoughts Are
1-minute video class given by Rav Jonathan TAWIL.
Being a Good Jew Without Keeping Torah?
Those who don’t have the chance to keep Torah and Mitzvot sometimes ask themselves this question: can I fulfill my life purpose without Torah and Mitzvot? Can a... Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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