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Rav Pesach SIEGEL

Rav Pesach SIEGEL

Biography of Rav Pesach SIEGEL

Rabbi Pesach Siegel was born and bred in Chicago, Illinois and studied in the high school, Beit Medrash and Kollel division of Telshe Yeshiva for twelve years from where he received semichah. His mentors were Rav Mordechai Gifter, Rav Chaim Stein, zichronam livracha, Rav Chaim Dov Keller and Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin. He was active in Project S.E.E.D (Summer Kiruv program of Torah Umesorah) in the Ohio area for six years. In 1986, he moved with his family to the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem. He merited to be enlightened by the teachings of Rav Moshe Shapira, z”l, for twenty six years. For the past twenty five years, he has been teaching in Yeshivot for post high school American students, starting out in Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim in Moshav Beit Meir and presently in Yeshiva Tiferet in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem. His published works include a sefer on Mesechet Makot and an English work on the weekly sedrah entitled “Sparks of the Sedrah”.

Classes List (69)

Bereshit: Why Did Eve Eat the Fruit?

Thursday December 2nd, 2021
Bereshit video

Vezot Habracha: Connection Through Blessing

Friday November 26th, 2021
Vezot Habracha video

Sukkot: Around In A Circle

Wednesday November 24th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Haazinu: Spiritual Gold

Friday November 19th, 2021
Haazinu video

Parshat Vayelech: Creating New Wellsprings When Old Ones Dry Up

Thursday November 11th, 2021
Vayelech video

Shmonei Essrei: Gevurot, the Second Blessing

Wednesday November 10th, 2021
Prayer video

Yom Kippur: Our Inner Angel

Wednesday November 10th, 2021
Yom Kippur video

Ki Tavo: Be Careful Who You Are Related To

Thursday October 28th, 2021
Ki Tavo video

Ki-Tetzei: Heed the Doctor's Advice

Friday October 22th, 2021
Ki Teitzei video

Tefila: A Designated Seat for a Humble Man

Sunday October 17th, 2021
Prayer video

Shoftim: The King, Our Brother

Friday October 15th, 2021
Shoftim video

Elul: Hashem's Everlasting Love for His People

Wednesday October 13th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Re'eh: The Joy of Eretz Israel

Friday October 8th, 2021
Re'eh video

Shmonei Essrei: The First Blessing

Tuesday October 5th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Parshat Eikev: Revenge of the Hornet

Friday October 1st, 2021
Eikev video

Tefila: How Do You Know He Is Here?

Monday September 20th, 2021
Prayer video

Tisha B'Av: Mashiach and the Snake

Sunday September 19th, 2021
Fast of the 9th of Av video

Devarim: Between Two Places

Friday September 17th, 2021
Devarim video

Gracious Heart, Uplifted Spirit

Sunday September 12th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video

Matot: The Power of Anti-Speech

Friday September 10th, 2021
Matot video

17th of Tammuz: Burning Our Insides

Sunday August 29th, 2021
Fast of the 17th of Tammuz video

Balak: The Fear of Irrevelance

Friday August 27th, 2021
Balak video

Tefila: Basic History of Organized Prayer

Wednesday August 18th, 2021
Prayer video

Parshat Korach : Avoid Arguments, Protect Your Children

Thursday August 12th, 2021
Korach video

Parshat Shlach : We Are Not Grasshoppers !

Thursday August 5th, 2021
Shlach Lecha video

Getting Rid of Idols, Getting Rid of Anger

Tuesday August 3th, 2021
Jewish Thinking video Account

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