Our Sages
Rav Kanievsky: "Beware, Every Word You Say Has an Effect on Reality!"
Day in, day out, Rav Chaim Kanievsky of Bnei Brak listens to the sorrows of countless members of the Jewish nation, as they mention to him the names of their sick and ailing. Rav Kanievsky acts as an intercessor, appealing to Hashem on their behalf, in order that they should be blessed and healed.
Recently, a man came to visit the "Prince of the Torah" and pleaded for a blessing for his mother, who was extremely ill. Rav Chaim gave him a blessing that she should receive a speedy recovery.
For this Jew, however, the blessing did not suffice. He added, "I am ready to take the disease and suffering of my mother instead of her, as long as she won't suffer… I can't stand to see her in such a state!"
The Rav heard these words and replied with astonishment, “G-d forbid! Don’t talk like that! Say that you are going to learn Torah for her and this will help, with G-d’s help.”
As the man left the Rav's office, another man entered. He seemed emotionally broken. One could see in his eyes that he had not slept for a long time. He explained to Rav Chaim that a week ago, he had wanted to take a day off at work, but had not found a valid reason to tell his boss. He phoned his manager and lied that his grandmother had suddenly passed away, and therefore would be absent from work. His boss, of course, proved to be compassionate and allowed him to take leave.
Less than 48 hours later, his grandmother suddenly passed away! He said she was a strong woman, hearty beyond her years. Since then, he continues to torment himself, as his conscience doesn't allow him to overcome the guilt his feels of having caused her death. He wanted to know, what could possibly be done to repair this terrible wrongdoing?
Rav Chaim did not attempt to calm him down, but on the contrary told him harshly, "You did not act well, you made a big mistake, it is forbidden to say such nonsense… Words have an impact on reality! Now you should commit to study mishnayot every day until the end of the year of mourning, for the elevation of her soul.”
As the man left, the Rav looked up and said, “Where is the man who walked in earlier and said he would take the illness of his mother? Tell him again how careful he should be about his use of words…”
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 7th, 2025 at 17:36 *Shabbat ends at 18:36 *
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