Torah-Box News
Wednesday June 12th
What If We Got Rid of Stress?
Work, newscasts, the daily struggle for survival, conflicts, failures... We are all engulfed in a daily dose of stress, affecting our serenity. Stress impacts our mood,...
Brit-Milah Laws and Advice
Here is a summary of all customs and laws related to a Brit-Milah. Mazel Tov from the Torah-Box team.
Tuesday June 11th
Aren't 613 Mitzvot Too Much?
15-minute video class given by Rav Zave RUDMAN.
Rav Kanievsky: “Be Careful, Every Word You Say Has An...
Day after day, countless problems are submitted to Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Bnei Brak, and all the sick of the Jewish people are mentioned and blessed, so that Hashem will...
How Can G_d Know The Future?
G.d is referred to as the everlasting G.d.
Friday June 7th
Shavuot :Sleeping a Lot Means Wanting to Escape Reality
One of the main characteristics of Shavuot is the custom for men to stay awake all night to learn Torah. The Magen Avraham explains the reason for this Minhag (custom)....
The Name "Shavuot"
7-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
The Double Meaning of Shavuot
The festival of Shavuot is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Here is how Shavuot is described and defined in parshat Emor:
Thursday June 6th
My Grandmother's Grave
5-minute story told by Binyamin TJONG.
Bamidbar: The Holiness of The Jewish Camps
23-minute video class given by Rav Avi GROSSMAN.
Hafetz Haim: “They Have Nothing to Die With”
One day, a tzaddik who didn’t invest much on making a livelihood, journeyed to a marketplace, hoping to make some money to bring food to his family’s table.
Bikkurim and Chag Hashavuot
26-minute video class given by Rav Avi GROSSMAN. Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community