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Torah-Box News

Tuesday April 13th

The Other Side of Your Life

The Other Side of Your Life

Campaign #14: The Other Side of Your LifeLessonWhat if you focussed on the positive aspects of your life?Let go of your complains, act positively, and you will earn...

Monday April 12th

The Test of False Messiahs

The Test of False Messiahs

25-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.

Shidduch - Rav Steinman and Rav Kanievsky Shared the Same Insight

Shidduch - Rav Steinman and Rav Kanievsky Shared the Same...

Torah World - The Torah-Box Team

The homes of prominent Torah scholars, Rabbi Aharon Leib Steinman z”l and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, were and are still stormed by visitors every day of the week....

10 Quotes and Tips from the Vilna Gaon

10 Quotes and Tips from the Vilna Gaon

Jewish Thinking - The Torah-Box Team

1. Shabbat is an extremely holy day: "On Shabbat and festival days, we must not speak of things that are not absolutely necessary.

Sunday April 11th

Using Words to Build a Marriage

Using Words to Build a Marriage

12-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.

Why Smile Longer Today?

Why Smile Longer Today?

1-minute video class given by Rav Jonathan TAWIL.

A Woman's Discretion Gives Immeasurable Value to Her Actions

A Woman's Discretion Gives Immeasurable Value to Her Actions

Behind every great man lies a devoted mother. No one saw her actions, no one knows what she did, no one can imagine how much she gave, how much she sacrificed and how...

Story: Is it the Russian Tsar who Saved these 400 Jews?

Story: Is it the Russian Tsar who Saved these 400 Jews?

What prompted the Russian Tsar to build a railway line of over 8500 km that lead nowhere? Discover a story of Hashgacha Pratit (divine providence).

Friday April 9th

Vayikra: The Precious Animal Within

Vayikra: The Precious Animal Within

18-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.

Vayakhel: Lion of the Snakes

Vayakhel: Lion of the Snakes

16-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.

Vayakhel: Individual vs Community

Vayakhel: Individual vs Community

Vayakhel - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

At the beginning of Vayakhel Moses performs a tikkun, a mending of the past, namely the sin of the Golden Calf.

Rashi’s Mussar: God Desires the Hearts of Men

Rashi’s Mussar: God Desires the Hearts of Men

Vayakhel - Jérome TOUBOUL

During the embolismic year period of 13-lunar months (384 days), we are privileged to study the Parsha of Vayakhel thoroughly and autonomously, without linking it to... Account

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Weekly Parsha

Ki Tisa

Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *
Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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