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Torah-Box News

Wednesday May 5th

Behaving Like a Jew at Work

Behaving Like a Jew at Work

Mussar - Jeremie BERREBI

What’s the first question every person will be asked when (after passing at the age of 120), he ascends to the Heavenly Court?

Tuesday May 4th

The Hebrew Language: A Supreme Meaning

The Hebrew Language: A Supreme Meaning

Jewish Thinking - The Torah-Box Team

The Hebrew language is extremely significant in Judaism. Through this language, we recite blessings, prayers, and learn the Torah.

Monday May 3th

I Never Wanted to Make Aliyah

I Never Wanted to Make Aliyah

Jewish Thinking - Lea NABET

I never really wanted to make Aliyah. Sure, I sometimes considered it after spending a summer in Israel, enjoying the separate beach facilities, eating a huge hamburger,...

Midrasha or University?

Midrasha or University?

4-minute video class given by Rav Avraham EDELSTEIN.

A Patient Whose Doctor Disconnected His Life Support Machine

A Patient Whose Doctor Disconnected His Life Support Machine

Jewish Thinking - The Torah-Box Team

In the book Vehigadeta, Rav Yaakov Galinsky shares a startling story: "One day when I was in a hospital, a doctor came to find me. He looked concerned and he asked to...

Sunday May 2nd

Tzniut: Modesty Is Cherished by G-d

Tzniut: Modesty Is Cherished by G-d

7-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller.

Story: On Board the Titanic

Story: On Board the Titanic

Jewish History - The Torah-Box Team

In 1910, Sam Aks, a native of Poland, emigrated to England where he married Leah Rosen. After their marriage, they lived in London for a while and then they decided to...

Why Do I Feel that G-d Is Not Listening to My Prayers?

Why Do I Feel that G-d Is Not Listening to My Prayers?

Jewish Thinking - The Torah-Box Team

Many Jews experience the feeling mentioned in this title. They pray and yet they feel that G-d is not listening to their prayers and that in fact, nothing has changed...

Thursday April 29th

Mutual Forgiveness

Mutual Forgiveness

5-minute story told by Rav Shmuel GALANDAUER.

Monday April 26th

4 Ways to Reduce Anger

4 Ways to Reduce Anger

Mussar - The Torah-Box Team

The angry man is often scornful of others. He also judges his neighbor unfavorably. Account

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Weekly Parsha

Ki Tisa

Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *
Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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