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Torah-Box News

Thursday April 22th

7 Messages from Autistic People

7 Messages from Autistic People

Jewish Thinking - The Torah-Box Team

1. "I am autistic and I see the world differently from most human beings. I see man as a divine creature. I clearly see the body and the soul, and their connection to...

Wednesday April 21th

Believing in Ourselves

Believing in Ourselves

18-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.

Monday April 19th

Compromising in Marriage

Compromising in Marriage

20-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.

Sunday April 18th

Talk to Hashem

Talk to Hashem

25-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Esther Bitensky.

Why Was Adam Created From Dust?

Why Was Adam Created From Dust?

1-minute video class given by Rav Jonathan TAWIL.

Rav Kanievsky’s Story: “The Soul of Your Borrower Reincarnated in a Donkey”

Rav Kanievsky’s Story: “The Soul of Your Borrower...

Mussar - The Torah-Box Team

Rav Chaim Kanievsky recommends that money lenders never keep unpaid loan documents handy.

Great People Sin Greatly!

Great People Sin Greatly!

Mussar - Rav Yaakov Israel LUGASSY

QUESTION: Why do some pure-hearted men stumble by sinning while some other, much less great people, are not trapped by the Yetzer Hara for such sins?

Wednesday April 14th

Curtains Up for 10 Biblical Women!

Curtains Up for 10 Biblical Women!

Women - The Torah-Box Team

Our history abounds with fascinating, strong and courageous feminine characters. Some of them are not sufficiently honored and yet their story and journey represent an...

What is Integrity?

What is Integrity?

Mussar - The Torah-Box Team

Rabbeinu Bechayei explains that the expression "righteous" best portrays a man who takes extreme precautions in matters related to theft and "upright" distinguishes a...

Tuesday April 13th

The Power of Encouragement in Chinuch

The Power of Encouragement in Chinuch

11-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.

Rav Lavi, Stabbed to Death: An Exceptional Tzaddik

Rav Lavi, Stabbed to Death: An Exceptional Tzaddik

News - The Torah-Box Team

Hashem never makes mistakes, He always takes back the best.

Where Did You Acquire this Exceptional Love of the Torah?

Where Did You Acquire this Exceptional Love of the Torah?

Mussar - The Torah-Box Team

Rav Yosef Shalom Cahanman disembarked one fine day in the city of Cincinnati in the USA and was hosted by a prominent Jewish businessman in the Jewish community. His... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *
Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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