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Insights In The Midst Of Chaos

Insights In The Midst Of Chaos

Friday May 7th, 2021

Some fifty years ago, in a domain known as the science of Chaos, meteorologist Edward Lawrence put together a climate "behavior" model which led to an incredible...

A List of Mitzvot for Purim

A List of Mitzvot for Purim

The Torah-Box Team

The festival of Purim is here; let’s take this opportunity to review the various mitzvot to observe on that day:

Rav Sitruk: “The Quintessential Message of Purim!

Rav Sitruk: “The Quintessential Message of Purim!

Rav Yosef-Chaim Sitruk

The reading of the Megillah on Purim reminds us that Megillat Esther was the last historical event registered in the entire Tanach!

Meguillat Esther Insights: Providence Versus Chance

Meguillat Esther Insights: Providence Versus Chance

Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

One of the recurring themes in the story of Purim is the conflicting ideologies of the Jewish people and Amalek.

The Purim Lesson For Our Children: Yes A Hero Can be Afraid!

The Purim Lesson For Our Children: Yes A Hero Can be Afraid!


My daughter had a minor surgery a few years ago. To prepare her, my pediatrician recommended the book “Franklin Goes To The Hospital” by Paulette Burgeouis...

Purim: A Higher Level Than Yom Kippur

Purim: A Higher Level Than Yom Kippur

15-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.

Can One Work on Purim?

Can One Work on Purim?

Halacha Time Class - Friday February 26th, 2021 (length: 5 minutes) given by Rav Yosef COWEN.

Purim: Topsy Turvy

Purim: Topsy Turvy

22-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.

Purim: Why Reveal what G-d has Hidden?

Purim: Why Reveal what G-d has Hidden?

Israël ABTAN

The essence of the festival of Purim is about revealing what is hidden, as we know from Megillat Esther which means "to reveal what is hidden". Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *
Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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