Insights In The Midst Of Chaos
Some fifty years ago, in a domain known as the science of Chaos, meteorologist Edward Lawrence put together a climate "behavior" model which led to an incredible...
A List of Mitzvot for Purim
The festival of Purim is here; let’s take this opportunity to review the various mitzvot to observe on that day:
Rav Sitruk: “The Quintessential Message of Purim!
The reading of the Megillah on Purim reminds us that Megillat Esther was the last historical event registered in the entire Tanach!
Meguillat Esther Insights: Providence Versus Chance
One of the recurring themes in the story of Purim is the conflicting ideologies of the Jewish people and Amalek.
The Purim Lesson For Our Children: Yes A Hero Can be Afraid!
My daughter had a minor surgery a few years ago. To prepare her, my pediatrician recommended the book “Franklin Goes To The Hospital” by Paulette Burgeouis...
Purim: Why Reveal what G-d has Hidden?
The essence of the festival of Purim is about revealing what is hidden, as we know from Megillat Esther which means "to reveal what is hidden".
Purim: The Day of Supernatural Deliverance
Rav Elimelech Biderman compares the day of Purim to a large treasure of diamonds and gems scattered in the public domain.
Why Dress Up on Purim?
Purim, the festival that lasts 24 hours. WRONG! Especially for us mothers.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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