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Educating Children

Educating Children

The Greatest Lesson of Education

The Greatest Lesson of Education

Rav Shlomo Wolbe (1914-2005) was one of the greatest rabbis of our time. One of his daughters got engaged and the future in-laws were invited for Shabbat at the...

10 Tips to Stop Sibling Rivalry

10 Tips to Stop Sibling Rivalry

There is no doubt that all parents want to see their children love and respect each other. Indeed, this is exactly what our Heavenly Father asks of us: "My son, what am...

Why Do Children Disobey?

Why Do Children Disobey?


It often happens that our children disobey. In previous generations, such disrespectful attitudes would have been unthinkable.

The Seder: An Amazing Educational Moment!

The Seder: An Amazing Educational Moment!

Passover - Yossef NABETH

Of all the Jewish holidays, Pesach stands out for the enormous efforts invested in its preparations.

For Your Family's Sake: Take Your Time

For Your Family's Sake: Take Your Time

The Torah-Box Team

If you were to ask me what I regret the most about living in modern times, I would answer unequivocally that it is without the shadow of a doubt, the race against time.

Accepting One's Little Rebellious Child

Accepting One's Little Rebellious Child

Rabbanite Né'hama EPSTEIN

Shlomo is an Avrech, father of four children and happy with his life. There is only one dark cloud hovering over him; he carries a painful memory of his early youth.

New Technologies & Children: A Century of Upheaval

New Technologies & Children: A Century of Upheaval

Rav Fernand KLAPISCH

We live in a century of upheaval, and teachers, parents, school administrators are often overwhelmed by the new dangers that youngsters are exposed to, which they...

Tefila of The Shelach Hakadosh

Tefila of The Shelach Hakadosh

Sunday June 2nd, 2019

Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz, nicknamed the “Shelach Hakadosh”, wrote a magnificent prayer so that Hashem would bless couples with descendants faithful to... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday December 6th, 2024 at 16:10 *
Shabbat ends at 17:14 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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