Superman, Christopher Reeve and … Passover!
Millions of admirers have known him as the legendary "Iron Man", able to uproot cliffs and lift buildings, but one day Christopher Reeve woke up and found that he was...
The Seventh Day of Pesach, Segula for Parnassa and Marriage
The seventh day of Pesach is the last day of the festival of Pesach.
Passover: a "time of freedom" also for the needy!
In the Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Moshe Isserles reports, regarding the month of Nissan: "There is a custom to purchase wheat and then distribute it to the poor so that they...
The secret of Rav Pinkus: an extraordinary Passover eve
The gaon HaRav Shimshon Pinkus was known for his burning love for the Torah. The flame that characterized his speeches, in which he awakened the Jews to Torah and Divine...
Halacha: Chol Hamoed Customs a Jew Must Observe
The Rambam writes: "It is a positive Mitzvah of the Torah to be joyful, light-hearted and cheerful during Chol Hamoed.
Rav Meshulam's Matzot
This story concerns one of the giants of previous generations, Rabbi Meshullam Igra zatsal.
The Missing Fifth – An extract from Rabbi Sacks’ Haggada
Many commentators, among them the Vilna Gaon, have drawn attention to the influence of the number four in connection with the Haggadah. There are four fours: The...
Passover: The Mouth That Speaks
12-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 7th, 2025 at 17:36 *Shabbat ends at 18:36 *
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