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Torah & Science

Torah & Science

Fauna and Flora: Who Created These Billions of Coincidences?

Fauna and Flora: Who Created These Billions of Coincidences?

Monday October 18th, 2021

The fur of the Arctic hare is white in the winter; and its colour is therefore camouflaged with the snow. In the summer, its fur is brown, and it becomes invisible on a...

Darwin and the Carnivorous Plant

Darwin and the Carnivorous Plant

Wednesday September 1st, 2021

 It is said that when Darwin observed a carnivorous plant trapping flies, he was very surprised. But in truth, there is nothing surprising about that. At the end of...

The Dandilion: a Divine Flower

The Dandilion: a Divine Flower

Sunday August 22th, 2021

Let us try to focus on the flower called the "Dandelion", which grows in our gardens. At this stage of our study, we will not go into detail about the extraordinary and...

How Elephants Talk to Each Other Long Distance

How Elephants Talk to Each Other Long Distance

Wednesday August 11th, 2021

For many years, scientists have tried to figure out how elephants talk to each other long distance, even several miles away. When a herd of elephants is scattered over...

The Apple's Peel – A Wonderful and Perfect Wrapping

The Apple's Peel – A Wonderful and Perfect Wrapping

Tuesday August 10th, 2021

The peel of an apple is a much more sophisticated wrapping than any man-made packaging could ever be. It contains an oil that makes the fruit waterproof. It is not...

The Explosive Ladybird....

The Explosive Ladybird....

Sunday December 13th, 2020

A beetle, with a size of 7 to 10 mm, has a unique explosive device. When the enemy attacks it, a controlled explosion emanates from its body. In its rear part is a pair...

Insects and Their "Radar Jammers"

Insects and Their "Radar Jammers"

Sunday November 15th, 2020

Bats detect their prey using ultrasound. The signal hits the surrounding objects, and bounces back to the bat giving it a clear picture of its surroundings and the exact...

The Enigma of the Laws of Nature

The Enigma of the Laws of Nature

Wednesday May 9th, 2018

Nature is governed by very specific and fine-tuned physical laws. A scientist's mission is to reveal nature's secrets to us laymen. Who is the legislator who set these... Account

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