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Torah & Science

How Elephants Talk to Each Other Long Distance

Published on Wednesday August 11th, 2021

For many years, scientists have tried to figure out how elephants talk to each other long distance, even several miles away. When a herd of elephants is scattered over vast expanses of savannahs or forests and one of them is in danger, another fellow elephant comes to his rescue immediately. When danger arises, elephants split up without consulting one another. How do they do that?

To unravel this mystery, Washington Park zoologist researchers used a device that could detect very low frequency sounds and placed it close to the elephants. They discovered a hidden sound coming out of the elephant's forehead and emitted via the animal's throat. Elephants communicate with each other through these sounds and thus contact each other long distance.

Scientists recorded these sounds and played them around elephants. The elephants approached the source of these sounds and reacted as if real elephants were in the vicinity.

Most animals living underground use frequencies above 20,000 Hz at 100,000 Hz, and beyond.

These frequencies are absorbed by the ground above them, so predators cannot detect their prey and attack them.

Young mice emit repetitive sounds at a frequency of 45,000 Hz to 88,000 Hz, urging their mothers to come to their rescue.

Most animals do not use their sense of sight to avoid predators. They survive using their auditory sense. The jerboa (a type of rodent) can perceive and thus thwart the owl, via the sound of the air movement of his predator's flight, signaling it is growing closer. The jerboa can even hear the gentle rustling of a snake's scales crawling on the ground, allowing it to sidestep it at the last minute.

The gerbil is endowed with quite a remarkable sense of hearing. In contrast, his ear cavities are particularly small, thus increasing the intensity of sounds like a speaker, and multiplying them a hundredfold. In comparison, the human ear, which is a real funnel (large on the outside and narrow on the inside) augments the intensity of sound 18 times over.

In fact, most animals living in silent environments, such as deserts, or animals who live by night have a very developed sense of hearing. If they lived in a noisy environment, their sensitive ears would be damaged, making them deaf.

Distinct species of toads living in the desert over prolonged dry seasons sleep in burrows in the soil. When the rains begin to fall, they must quickly escape the tunnels to find alternative sources of water and food. Researchers believe that the low frequency sounds of falling rain constitute a signal that lures them to leave the burrows.

Generally, most large animals react to low frequency sounds, while small animals react to higher frequencies.

Without a doubt, this great wisdom present in nature reveals the wisdom of a Creator, who created our world with infinite intelligence, discernment and profound knowledge.

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