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Torah-Box News

Thursday October 14th

Shoftim: How Torah Views Monarchy

Shoftim: How Torah Views Monarchy

Shoftim - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

The contribution of Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, to political thought is fundamental, but not well known. In this study I want to look at the institution of monarchy. What...

A Saved Eye

A Saved Eye

7-minute story told by Rav Shmuel GALANDAUER.

10 Facts on Rabbi Yonatan Ben Uziel

10 Facts on Rabbi Yonatan Ben Uziel

1.Rav Yonatan ben Uziel was a first-generation Tana, the greatest disciple of Hillel the elder and author of the translation on Neviim, Prophets (Targum Yonatan.)

Shoftim: The Blinding Gifts

Shoftim: The Blinding Gifts

Shoftim - Rav Emmanuel MIMRAN

In this week's parsha (Shoftim), the Torah prohibits judges from receiving any gifts, even if they have the intention of judging properly. The Torah says that gifts...

Parshat Shoftim: The Power of Sincere Tefila

Parshat Shoftim: The Power of Sincere Tefila

15-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.

Wednesday October 13th

List of Miracles in Israel: A Light Hidden in the Dark

List of Miracles in Israel: A Light Hidden in the Dark

The security situation in Israel is not particularly stable, to say the least. The economic situation is not brilliant either. The Jews are hated by the world, and in...

Concrete Methods to Study Mussar

Concrete Methods to Study Mussar

Here are some concrete methods to effectively study Mussar:

Tuesday October 12th

Bruriah, A Female Heroine in the Talmud

Bruriah, A Female Heroine in the Talmud

News - Myriam H.

In the history of the Talmud, the wisdom of men is put forward. There were judges who knew how to decide, leaders who knew how to guide, priests who knew how to...

"My Name Is Golan, I Am 18 Years Old and I Have a Story to Share"

"My Name Is Golan, I Am 18 Years Old and I Have a Story to...

Teshuva - Rav Emmanuel MIMRAN

My name is Golan. I am eighteen years old and I have a story to share with you.

Recognizing Our True Value

Recognizing Our True Value

13-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Esther Bitensky.

Monday October 11th

Rav Kanievsky, the "Tzitzit Detector"

Rav Kanievsky, the "Tzitzit Detector"

This story was brought to our attention by the brother of a young Chatan who came to Rav Chaim last week, a few days before his wedding, for a blessing from the Rav.Rav... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *
Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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