Torah-Box News
Saturday February 27th
The Purim Lesson For Our Children: Yes A Hero Can be Afraid!
My daughter had a minor surgery a few years ago. To prepare her, my pediatrician recommended the book “Franklin Goes To The Hospital” by Paulette Burgeouis...
Friday February 26th
Purim: Topsy Turvy
22-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
Tu Bishvat: Appreciating Hashem's World
The first Mishna in the gemara of Rosh Hashanah informs us of various 'new years'.
Beshalach: Don't Forget Your Tambourine
22-minute video class given by Rav Pesach SIEGEL.
Beshalach: The Wind's Power
In September 2010, BBC, Reuters, and other news agencies reported on a sensational scientific discovery. Researchers at US National Center for Atmospheric Research and...
In Search of Happiness Through the Parsha of Beshalach
Happiness is a powerful feeling, awakening emotions concealed in the hearts of men and allowing them to experience a form of inner contentedness.
Seder Tu B'Shvat
Tu B'Shvat means “the 15th (of the month) of Shvat”, and it is the “New Year for the trees”. It is the time when the sap moves up the tree before...
5 Facts About Parshat Beshalach that You (Maybe) Didn’t...
Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table.
Thursday February 25th
Purim: Why Reveal what G-d has Hidden?
The essence of the festival of Purim is about revealing what is hidden, as we know from Megillat Esther which means "to reveal what is hidden".
Purim: A Day of Joy, A Day of Prayer
28-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY.
My Beloved Thief
6-minute story told by Rav Shmuel GALANDAUER. Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community