Torah-Box News
Friday March 26th
Tetzaveh: The Missing Name
Tetzaveh is the only sedra from the beginning of Exodus to the end of Deuteronomy, that does not contain the word “Moses”. For once Moses, the hero, the...
The Pursuit of Happiness in the Context of Parshat Tetzaveh
The Sages of the Talmud regularly debated on which verse of the Torah is the most important.
Thursday March 25th
Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yitzchak Abulafia
On the occasion of the Yahrzeit (anniversary of death) of Rav Yitzchak Abulafia, the Torah-Box team is happy to share a glimmering of his life journey.
Tetzaveh: Holy Beginnings
The Parsha begins with HaShem’s instructions to Moshe Rabbeinu with regard to the people who would make the vestments that Aaron, the Kohen Gadol, would wear...
Yahrzeit of Rav Yitzchak ben Walid
On the occasion of the Yahrzeit (anniversary of death) of our teacher Rav Yitzchak ben Walid, the Torah-Box team is happy to present you with a brief overview of his...
Wednesday March 24th
Passover Seder Checklist
The Torah-Box team edited a printable check-list of the Pesach Seder that includes all the important details. Matzah & Maror, Order of the Seder...all...
The Concept of Chumra
17-minute video class given by Rav Zave RUDMAN.
A Woman Asks Questions Despite Knowing the Answers
At last, Judith visited a flower shop and bought the precious item she had been longing for: a fragrant and blooming plant.
9 Extraordinary Functions of the Liver
1. The liver is the largest organ, after the skin, of the human body. It is not possible to live without a liver.
5 Facts About Parshat Tetzaveh that You (Maybe) Didn’t...
Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table.
Tuesday March 23th
A Fathers Opportunity Seder Night
18-minute video class given by Rav Binyamin BITENSKY. Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community