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A Woman Asks Questions Despite Knowing the Answers

Published on Wednesday March 24th, 2021

At last, Judith visited a flower shop and bought the precious item she had been longing for: a fragrant and blooming plant. On her way home, she wondered where she would place this beautiful plant, hesitating between a corner in the hall, below the mirror, or next to the window in the living room. When she got home, she decided the corner next to the window was the most appropriate. She carefully placed the plant and rejoiced at the beauty of her new acquisition, admiring how it embellished her home.

"What do you think of the plant I bought? She asked her husband. After her husband admired the beautiful plant and complemented Judith for her good taste, she asked for his advice: "Where do you think it should go? I hesitate between the corner next to the window and the corner below the mirror. Her husband thought for a moment and exclaimed: "It seems to me that the plant next to the mirror is more enticing, because the mirror will reflect it. Yes, I think the corner in the hall is the most appropriate."

"I, too, hesitated between these two places, and I think the living room corner is more central and more eye-catching. "

"If you hesitated and decided, why did you ask for my opinion? He replied with a smile.

The question remained unresolved, but we know the answer: Judith is a woman, and by nature she needs to ask questions, even when she knows the answer.


Generally, a man does not ask questions if he already knows the answers.


A woman tends to ask questions despite knowing the answers.

This reinforces her feelings that those around her are involved in what she does.

The solution

If you have already made your decision and still want to ask him about his preferences, then formulate your question as a request for an opinion, for example:

"I wanted to hang the picture here" or "I intended to send a thank you note to the kindergarten, what do you think? "

You can convey to him that this is your nature; gently explain to him that you often ask for his opinion, because you enjoy the pleasant feeling of engaging him in your day-to-day life decisions and activities; it makes you feel reassured and enhances the spirit of cooperation in the home. And assure him that you are not in any way, doing this to annoy him.

Try to avoid acting like some women who ask redundant questions, such as: "Where should I put the wardrobe? And when their husband answers, "on the right," they say, "No, I think it's more suitable on the left. If you already know the answer, why are you asking? (Especially regarding an ornament in the home, which is usually a woman's domain.)

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