Honoring Parents
The Honor Due to Parents
We live in a very future-oriented society. Because of the technological and scientific advances of our time, the lifestyles of prior decades are perceived as...
Respecting Parents: An Opportunity for their Children
It is often thought that the mitzvah of respecting one's parents is part of the privileges accorded to them in response to their efforts to raise their children, a sort...
Respecting Parents After Their Passing
Halacha Time Class - Sunday December 16th, 2018 (length: 3 minutes) given by Rav Shlomo COHEN.
The Word Jew Comes From the Word 'Hodaah’ (Thanks)
Our Sages of blessed memory, taught us that the trait of gratitude is not reserved solely for our relationships with mankind, but it should manifest itself also in our...
Respect for the Elderly Amounts to Self-Respect
Accepted notions related to old age versus youth are relative.Any attempt to define these terms is null and void to begin with and varies according to societal trends...
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community