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Recipe: Almond Biscotti

Published on Thursday May 9th, 2019

Serving: 24 biscottis

Time: 40 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Difficulty: easy


300 g sifted flour

1 egg yolk + 2 whole eggs (checked for blood spots)

½ cup of vegetable oil

1,7 oz of ground almonds

5 drops of bitter almond extract

5,6 oz of sugar

1 pinch of salt

1 bag of baking powder

1 handful of chopped almonds

1 handful of chocolate chips


Whether you call them Biscottis or Italian almond biscuits, these are a classic from the Mediterranean region and our version adds some chocolate for the food lovers out there.

In a big bowl, beat the 2 whole eggs with the sugar until a light-colored foam appears at the surface. Then gradually incorporate all the ingredients. Knead the dough well until it is homogenous. Shape a loaf about 0,5 once thick, and place on a baking tray covered with baking parchment. Brush with the egg yolk and bake for 20 minutes at 356 F. Remove the tray from the oven, cut 0,5 once slices, put back into the oven for 5-10 minutes until the crispiness is to your taste. Let the biscotti cool down thoroughly before storing it in a glass jar or a tin box.

Esther SITBON - © Torah-Box Account

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