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Recipe: Lemon Chicken Meatballs

Published on Thursday September 30th, 2021

For 8 people

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Difficulty: easy


For the meatballs:

½ onion

3 tablespoons olive oil

100 g checked frozen spinach

½ zucchini

2 garlic cloves

1 egg

1 tablespoon ground coriander

1 small bunch fresh coriander

1 sachet Spigol spice mix

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

Zest of ½ lemon

½ glass of flour (or potato starch)

14 ounce of minced chicken

Salt and pepper



Remember to use gloves when mixing the ingredients, as both Spigol and turmeric leave your skin yellow!

For a less greasy result, shape the meatballs, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake 15 minutes at 180°C.

You can make the meatballs ahead of time and freeze them – with or without the sauce.


For the sauce:

¼ onion, very finely chopped

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

2 sachets Spigol spice mix

1 small glass white wine

Zest of ¼ lemon

Juice of ½ lemon

1 tablespoon pareve cream


In the mixing bowl of a food processor, throw the onion, garlic, egg, Spigol, lemon, flour, salt, vegetables, turmeric, fresh coriander and ground coriander and blend to make a puree. In a large bowl, mix together by hand the minced chicken and the blended puree, until homogenous.

Coat the bottom of a large frying pan with 3 tablespoons olive oil to prevent the ingredients from sticking. Fry the finely chopped onions and garlic on low heat. Cover to keep the moisture from evaporating. Add the spices and the lemon zest, then the white wine and the lemon juice. Shape the balls, taking care to wet your hands to make them smoother and rounder. Place them in the frying pan and add a little water if necessary to reach the balls half-way up. Cover and leave to cook for at least 20 minutes on low heat. At the end of the cooking time, pour the pareve cream and stir it well into the lemon sauce. This dish is delicious served with rice, quinoa, or potato mash.

Esther SITBON - © Torah-Box Account

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