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Lemon Trifle Pie

Published on Tuesday July 13th, 2021

For: 8-10 people         

Preparation time: 30mn.  

Cooking time :10mn. 

Level of difficulty : easy


❏     1 box of graham crackers

❏     3 egg yolks

❏     1 cup of margarine

❏     ½ cup of sugar

❏     2 pure lemon juice and 1 lemon zest

❏     1 spoon of unflavored gelatin

❏     2 boxes of Rich Whip parve cream


This is a fun way to switch our traditional lemon pie to a very elegant dessert for Shabbat and Shavuot! It is easy and tasty.

First, the lemon curd:

Put the gelatine in a bowl of cold water or as specified on the package. Whisk together the sugar and the egg yolks until a foam appears. Put that mix in a pot together with the lemon juice, the zest and the gelatine on low heat. Keep on whisking, while gradually adding the margarine. Once the mix starts being thicker and homogenous, take the pot out of the stove.

In a larger bowl, whip the soy cream in order to get a thick whipped cream texture.

Take a glass and start filling it with crushed graham crackers, then add a coat of whipped cream topped with lemon curd. Finish by whipping the cream and rejoice your family with those beautiful desserts. You can keep them in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameah!

Esther SITBON - © Torah-Box Account

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