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Your Printable Practical Guide

Your Printable Practical Guide

Hafrashat Challa

Hafrashat Challa

Three Mitzvot are reserved for women: lighting Shabbat candles, the laws of family purityand separating a piece of dough when baking bread, known as Challa. The Sefer...

Peot - Your Printable Practical Guide

Peot - Your Printable Practical Guide

The Torah-Box Team

« Do not trim the ends of your hair, and do not shave the corners of your beard. » (Vayikra 19, 27)

When to Go to the Cemetery? - Your Printable Guide

When to Go to the Cemetery? - Your Printable Guide

The Torah-Box Team

When to Go to the Cemetery Permitted / Forbidden Who can visit a cemetery? When? There are so many doubts, good and unfounded customs...regarding the idea of going to...

Motzi And Mezonot

Motzi And Mezonot

The Torah-Box Team

Depending on the quantity and type of bread consumed, it is necessary to recite a different initial and final blessing. The Torah-Box team offers you a practical sheet...

List of Blessings

List of Blessings

The Torah-Box Team

The Torah-Box team presents you with a beautiful list of blessings that our Sages have instituted to be recited on different occasions. 

Kriat Shema Al Hamita (to recite at bedtime)

Kriat Shema Al Hamita (to recite at bedtime)

The Torah-Box Team

The last five minutes of consciousness of our day determine what we will dream at night. Our night determines to a large extent our next day. 

Brit-Milah Laws and Advice

Brit-Milah Laws and Advice

The Torah-Box Team

Here is a summary of all customs and laws related to a Brit-Milah. Mazel Tov from the Torah-Box team.

The Eve of Shavuot- Your Printable Guide

The Eve of Shavuot- Your Printable Guide

The Torah-Box Team

There is a widespread custom in all Jewish communities in the world for men to stay awake the night of Shavuot and learn Torah. e Torah-Box team oers you a practical... Account

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Weekly Parsha

Ki Tisa

Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *
Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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