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Shemot: God Loves Arguers

Shemot: God Loves Arguers

Shemot - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

I have become increasingly concerned about the assault on free speech taking place throughout the West, particularly in university campuses.[1]

5 Facts About Parshat Shemot that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know

5 Facts About Parshat Shemot that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know

Shemot - Eytan Yéhouda DZIKOWSKI

  וַֽיְהִ֗י כָּל־נֶ֛פֶשׁ יֹצְאֵ֥י יֶֽרֶךְ־יַעֲקֹ֖ב שִׁבְעִ֣ים נָ֑פֶשׁ וְיוֹסֵ֖ף...


Va'eira : The Power of Freewill

Va'eira : The Power of Freewill

Va'eira - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

The question is ancient. If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, then it was God who made Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go, not Pharaoh himself. How can this be...

Searching for Happiness in the Parsha of Va'era

Searching for Happiness in the Parsha of Va'era

Va'eira - Jérome TOUBOUL

The story of the exodus from Egypt constitutes a yearly experience, imbued with great solemnity and intense emotion. It reminds us of the dreadful servitude endured by...

Va'era: The Plague of Frogs

Va'era: The Plague of Frogs

Va'eira - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

The second of the ten plagues was that of sefardaya, frogs.  Rashi cites a Chazal that describes how this plague manifested itself; at first one single frog emerged...


Bo: Asking Questions

Bo: Asking Questions

Bo - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

It is no accident that parshat Bo, the section that deals with the culminating plagues and the exodus, should turn three times to the subject of children and the duty of...

In Search of Happiness Through the Parsha of Bo

In Search of Happiness Through the Parsha of Bo

Bo - Jérome TOUBOUL

The reading of this week's Parsha, which describes the liberation of the Jews from the throes of Egyptian servitude, is enough to warm the reader’s heart.


Beshalach: The Wind's Power

Beshalach: The Wind's Power

Beshalach - The Torah-Box Team

In September 2010, BBC, Reuters, and other news agencies reported on a sensational scientific discovery. Researchers at US National Center for Atmospheric Research and...

In Search of Happiness Through the Parsha of Beshalach

In Search of Happiness Through the Parsha of Beshalach

Beshalach - Jérome TOUBOUL

Happiness is a powerful feeling, awakening emotions concealed in the hearts of men and allowing them to experience a form of inner contentedness.

5 Facts About Parshat Beshalach that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know

5 Facts About Parshat Beshalach that You (Maybe) Didn’t...

Beshalach - Eytan Yéhouda DZIKOWSKI

Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table. 


The Pursuit of Happiness Throughout Parshat Yitro

The Pursuit of Happiness Throughout Parshat Yitro

Yitro - Jérome TOUBOUL

Parshat Yitro represents a decisive and fundamental step in the constitution of the Jewish people. Indeed, the gift of the Torah that we witnessed, was the culmination...

Yitro: Justice or Peace?

Yitro: Justice or Peace?

Yitro - The Torah-Box Team

The sedra of Yitro, which contains the account of the greatest Divine revelation in history, at Mount Sinai, begins on a note that is human, all too human. Yitro, priest...

5 Facts About Parshat Yitro that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know

5 Facts About Parshat Yitro that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know

Yitro - Eytan Yéhouda DZIKOWSKI

Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table. 


Mishpatim: God's Wake Up Call

Mishpatim: God's Wake Up Call

Mishpatim - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

First, in Yitro, there were the Aseret Hadibrot, the “ten utterances” or general principles. Now in Mishpatim come the details. Here is how they begin:

Mishpatim: Quest for Happiness in the Context of the Parsha

Mishpatim: Quest for Happiness in the Context of the Parsha

Mishpatim - Jérome TOUBOUL

After receiving the Torah and hearing the "Ten Commandments" last week, we move on to our current parsha of Mishpatim, delving on how to observe the law we received at...

5 Facts About Parshat Mishpatim that You (Maybe) Didn’t Know

5 Facts About Parshat Mishpatim that You (Maybe) Didn’t...

Mishpatim - Eytan Yéhouda DZIKOWSKI

Discover and learn every week, "5 Facts" written on the weekly Parshah that you can share at your Shabbos table. 


Teruma: Contemplating What We Create

Teruma: Contemplating What We Create

Teruma - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

The behavioural economist Dan Ariely did a series of experiments on what is known as the IKEA effect, or “why we overvalue what we make.” The name comes, of...

The Quest for Happiness in the Context of Parshat Teruma

The Quest for Happiness in the Context of Parshat Teruma

Teruma - Jérome TOUBOUL

Parashat Teruma rounds off the exodus and liberation of the children of Israel, which began with their departure from Egypt. Later, the gift of the Torah and the ten...

Teruma: Fighting Against Laziness

Teruma: Fighting Against Laziness

Teruma - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

The Parsha begins with Hashem instructing Moshe Rabbeinu to tell the people to bring the raw materials necessary in order to build the Mishkan (tabernacle).


Tetzaveh: The Missing Name

Tetzaveh: The Missing Name

Tetzaveh - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

Tetzaveh is the only sedra from the beginning of Exodus to the end of Deuteronomy, that does not contain the word “Moses”. For once Moses, the hero, the...

The Pursuit of Happiness in the Context of Parshat Tetzaveh

The Pursuit of Happiness in the Context of Parshat Tetzaveh

Tetzaveh - Jérome TOUBOUL

The Sages of the Talmud regularly debated on which verse of the Torah is the most important.

Tetzaveh: Holy Beginnings

Tetzaveh: Holy Beginnings

Tetzaveh - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

The Parsha begins with HaShem’s instructions to Moshe Rabbeinu with regard to the people who would make the vestments that Aaron, the Kohen Gadol, would wear...

Ki Tisa

The Pursuit of Happiness Throughout Parshat Ki-Tissa

The Pursuit of Happiness Throughout Parshat Ki-Tissa

Ki Tisa - Jérome TOUBOUL

This week’s parsha continues to delve on the description of the sanctuary, which began in previous weeks. But the story is interrupted by the recounting of several...

Ki Tisa: The Mitzvah of Shabbat

Ki Tisa: The Mitzvah of Shabbat

Ki Tisa - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

In the immensely lengthy and detailed account of the making of the Tabernacle, the Torah tells the story twice: first (Ex. 25:1 – 31:17) as Divine instruction,...

Ki Tisa: The Mitzvah of Carrying Sinners

Ki Tisa: The Mitzvah of Carrying Sinners

Ki Tisa - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

After the terrible sin of Chet Haegel(the Golden Calf) Moshe Rabbeinu pleads greatly for Hashem to forgive the Jewish people.  After granting His forgiveness,...


Vayakhel: Individual vs Community

Vayakhel: Individual vs Community

Vayakhel - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

At the beginning of Vayakhel Moses performs a tikkun, a mending of the past, namely the sin of the Golden Calf.

Rashi’s Mussar: God Desires the Hearts of Men

Rashi’s Mussar: God Desires the Hearts of Men

Vayakhel - Jérome TOUBOUL

During the embolismic year period of 13-lunar months (384 days), we are privileged to study the Parsha of Vayakhel thoroughly and autonomously, without linking it to...

Vayakhel: One Deed Leads to Another

Vayakhel: One Deed Leads to Another

Vayakhel - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

The Torah describes how the people eagerly came to donate their prized possessions towards the building of the Mishkan(Tabernacle).


Pekudei: Three Parsha Gems

Pekudei: Three Parsha Gems

Moshe Rabbeinu, a Thief ?! “This is the distribution of the tabernacle …”(Shemot, 38, 21) After the completion of the work of the Mishkan...

Pekudei: Be Active

Pekudei: Be Active

Pekudei - Rabbi Lord Jonathan SACKS

Sitting is the new smoking. So goes the new health mantra. Spend too much time at a desk or in front of a screen and you are at risk of significant danger to your health.

Pekudei: The Value of the Mishkan

Pekudei: The Value of the Mishkan

Pekudei - Rabbi Yehonasan GEFEN

“These are the reckonings of the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of Testimony, which was reckoned at Moshe’s bidding. Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *
Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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