Jewish Life
Rav Kanievsky, the "Tzitzit Detector"
This story was brought to our attention by the brother of a young Chatan who came to Rav Chaim last week, a few days before his wedding, for a blessing from the Rav.Rav...
Rising Up in the Morning
The first laws of the Shulchan Aruch, the guide of Jewish law, pertain to the process a Jew must abide to upon arising in the morning. It is written, among other things,...
29 Rewards for Giving Tzedakah
Tzedakah (charity) is one of the pillars on which the world rests. This mitzvah has the strength to forgive sins and repel all bad decrees. It is the only mitzvah that...
Lifecycle Events
Mazal Tov! In your arms Is a Soft Blue Package!
Dear mother,Mazal Tov! Mazal tov! You are holding a soft blue package in your arms! A precious neshama with an enormous potential: your little boy has the strength to...
The Last Words of Steve Jobs: Lesson of Mussar
Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 21st century, most remarkably inventing the famous Apple company. He died in 2011 from cancer. These were his...
Twelve Things that Appease the Soul of the Deceased
Who sits at the entrance of Gehinnom (hell)?
Jewish Holidays
The Final Judgement: The Day's Dimension According to Our...
The outstanding dimension of the day of judgement is highlighted in Midrash Tehilim:"On Rosh Hashanah, all creatures –Jews and non-Jews alike, march like a flock...
Halachot and Customs of Hoshana Rabbah
The Magnitude of This DayThe seventh day of Sukkot is called Hoshana Rabbah. It is a day when we totally immerse in Torah study and supplication. The Midrash teaches:...
Sukkot: The Secret of Infinite Happiness
The following story tells of a great Rabbi, who served as the Royal court treasurer in a foreign nation. Morning, afternoon and evening, his predecessor occupied his...
Jewish Life
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community