The Double Meaning of Shavuot
The festival of Shavuot is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Here is how Shavuot is described and defined in parshat Emor:
Shavuot :Sleeping a Lot Means Wanting to Escape Reality
One of the main characteristics of Shavuot is the custom for men to stay awake all night to learn Torah. The Magen Avraham explains the reason for this Minhag (custom)....
Matan Torah: A Father Does Not Give His Son a Poisoned Gift
Why did the Bnei Yisrael say "Naasseh Venishma" when they didn’t know anything about the Torah that they were being offered?
The Eve of Shavuot- Your Printable Guide
There is a widespread custom in all Jewish communities in the world for men to stay awake the night of Shavuot and learn Torah. e Torah-Box team oers you a practical...
The Importance of The Evening Study of Shavuot
The Kaf Hachaim relates about the night of Shavuot: “It is reported in the Zohar that the Ancients remained awake all night to study the Torah. They said on this...
Staying Awake on Shavuot
One of the most prominent features of Shavuot is the universal Minhag (custom) for men to stay awake all night learning Torah. The Magen Avraham explains the...
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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