Overcoming Evil: The Secret of the Chanukah Lights
Based on a purely technical law related to Chanukah, let's discover a way to fight the evil within us by accessing the Hasidic masters’ wisdom.
A Chanukiah Filled with Sacrifices
A Holocaust survivor who lost his family in a Nazi concentration camp decided to build a family of his own but chose to hide his Jewish identity from his children, who,...
Chanukah: 30 Minutes of Free UV
Do you know that during the eight days of Chanukah, Hashem showers us with a unique gift? It is called the "hidden light."
Chazak: Chanukah's Extraordinary Message of Hope
Chanukah is a festival of lights that dance and light up the night, during which the family is gathered together for a feast of doughnuts or latkes, children play on the...
Story: Hanukkah 5705 in the Extermination Camps
During the Shoah, Israel's oppressors sought to exterminate the Jewish People.
Chanuka Candle Lighting
Every year, before lighting the first Chanukah candle, all is forgotten! Where to place the Chanukah Menorah (also known as a chanukiah)? At which height place the...
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community