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Fast of the 9th of Av

Fast of the 9th of Av

The Fast of Tisha B'Av is happening on

Published on Friday September 17th, 2021

What are the difficulties of this day?

There are, as you know, many restrictions, such as not eating and drinking, not washing, not putting on leather shoes, not smearing oneself with oil, ointment, cream etc. Our Sages also forbade going for a leisurely walk, lest we should lose focus on the importance of the day; all this is of course besides for the essential ban on eating and drinking.

Is one permitted to learn Torah on this day?

No, since learning Torah rejoices the heart of man, as it says in Tehillim 19,9; "The precepts of G-d are righteous, they rejoice the heart." It is a sad day, and we must remain in this state of mind until the end of the fast.

How is it that you arranged Torah classes for this day?

This is the challenge we are facing here. The Torah classes we are organizing discuss themes that can be addressed on Tisha B'av, such as the destruction of the two Temples, gratuitous hatred, Roman occupation, and other subjects related to Mussar, that are all relevant to this particular day.

Can you give us an overview of the courses?

Of course. I would like to emphasize here that we will have high-quality speakers!

5 hours of classes for the reconstruction of the Beit-Hamikdash, and 5 hours of classes for the nation of Israel. These courses will start the night of Tisha B'Av at 11 pm and will restart the following afternoon at 3 pm until 8:00 pm without interruption.

A day full of sadness ...

Certainly. But do not forget that our Sages have said, "Anyone who mourns Jerusalem has the merit of seeing its rebuilding" (Ta'anit 30b). The reconstruction of the Temple depends on the intensity of our awareness of what we have lost and the reason for this destruction. Let us hope that through the merit of the Rabbanim who will speak on the site, as well as by all those Bnei-Yisrael who will listen to these classes, the importance of the Beit-Hamikdash will be obvious to us all and that we will merit to see the reconstruction of Jerusalem. Amen.

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