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Torah Learning

Torah Learning

Our Rabbanim, the Most Reliable Source of Truth

Our Rabbanim, the Most Reliable Source of Truth

Tuesday November 16th, 2021

Receiving the Torah is a vast program in which work is required on oneself, especially on a large number of character traits such as fear, modesty or anger.

Concrete Methods to Study Mussar

Concrete Methods to Study Mussar

Wednesday October 13th, 2021

Here are some concrete methods to effectively study Mussar:

Torah Study? More Precious Than Heaps of Gold

Torah Study? More Precious Than Heaps of Gold

Sunday October 10th, 2021

This is the story of a Talmid Chacham (scholar) who was traveling by boat. In this boat, there were also rich traders who carried expensive goods with them. Only an...

The Professor from the Paris-Sorbonne's Remark

The Professor from the Paris-Sorbonne's Remark


Shlomo Moshe, a friendly young man, had come from Morocco to Israel with the fervent desire to become a Torah scholar. This era - the 1950s - was that of the early days...

The Study of Guemara Changed My Life!

The Study of Guemara Changed My Life!

The Torah-Box Team

Dr. Eli Beneliezer, a renowned researcher and educator, is responsible for selecting and training Israel’s most talented pupils.

Halacha- Preparations for the Pesach Seder Table

Halacha- Preparations for the Pesach Seder Table

Sunday March 28th, 2021

Halacha- Preparations for the Pesach Seder Table

The Haftara: Who? When? How?

The Haftara: Who? When? How?

The Torah-Box Team

Antiochus, the Greek emperor, forbade Jews from reading the Torah on Shabbat, so our Sages instituted reading a chapter of the Book of the Prophets instead, to ensure...

The Torah Resides in Those Who "Die" for It

The Torah Resides in Those Who "Die" for It

In the Avot scriptures, Shamai teaches us that studying Torah should be the center of our lives. This is what the Talmud tells us in the "Brachot" exposition (35a):... Account

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Weekly Parsha


Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *
Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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