Jewish Thinking
Miraculous Rescue: “Thank You, Angel Yaakov"
I thought a lot about whether I should reveal my story. My exclusive purpose is to sanctify the name of Hashem in public and express gratitude and thank first and foremost to the Master of the Universe who gave me the gift of life! And a heartfelt thank you to the messenger He dispatched in my moment of dread...
Tuesday, February 9, 8:45 in the morning, I was on my way to the university to take the last exam of the first semester. What a relief! As I drove on the left lane, the driver in front of me foolishly decided to prevent me from moving forward. Suddenly, he started overtaking me from the left. I honked, but he continued. I had two possibilities: either play his game and try to overtake him or stop by the side of the road. I chose the second option. I did not want anyone else to get hurt. Except, in this case, the road shoulder was a steep and winding slope. From there, my memory goes blank and I cannot remember much! Just a boom and a blow on my head, a pain that aches to date. All I could see was black. When I woke up, I was upside down, fastened by the safety belt, feeling pain in my left hand which was crushed by the roof of the car and caught inside the belt. The car was beginning to catch fire.
I realized there were only a few minutes before the car ignited into flames and that I was destined to die by fire. I only had a few moments to live! I started screaming to Hashem that I wanted to live. This was the first time I witnessed my impending death! While I screamed, I began to recite a psalm which I know by heart hoping to be saved by Heaven ... I lost hope, I saw my entire life scroll before me and I cried, I cried with pain, terror and mixed feelings! I realized it was over ... I was going to a better world. I recited "Shema Israel" in tears ... And suddenly, I do not how my phone fell near me. I started screaming with joy, gathering my last drop of strength to drag my body and my sore hand, and, with tears streaming down my face, I managed to grab the phone. I dialled the police number and shouted, "I had an accident, the car is burning, I want to live, save me please, save me." I lost consciousness at that moment. From there, a messenger dispatched by the Master of the Universe came into play: an angel disguised as a human: Yaakov.
The so-called angel in disguise, Yaakov offers his testimony:
“I was riding on Highway 40 when I saw an upturned vehicle on the side of the road with wheels still spinning. I understood an accident had occurred in recent minutes. I stopped a Bedouin car and asked the drivers to help me, explaining someone was trapped in that car! I could not act alone. They told me I was crazy. Smoke was coming out of that car which was bound to explode any minute! I grabbed one of them by the collar and I said to him: “fool, you come to help me, there is someone in that car! We tore the back door and I climbed inside, terrorized by the silence inside the vehicle... a scary silence! I saw a girl hanging upside down with her hair falling down. When I saw her in this position, I jumped to the conclusion that this girl was no longer alive! We tried to extricate her with all our might, pushing the front seats. Suddenly she started screaming. Her screaming made me happy. I rejoiced at her bellowing! Silence scared me. I realized that no matter what I was going to rescue her alive!”
I woke up.
I did not understand what was going on around me, I just shouted that I wanted to live, that someone comes to my rescue. The stranger next to me said, "Do not worry, you are alive and you'll live! I did not believe him! I started shouting that I had lost a hand, but he reassured me, "Do not worry, your hand is in place ..." I screamed and yelled at Hashem that I'm trapped between the car seat and the airbag and suspended in the air by the seat belt. And the man, with inexplicable gentleness and patience, calmed and reassured me. "My name is Yaakov, I will help you. You will not be disabled, you have a hand! I refused to believe him and asked him: "I must be bathed in blood, am I not? He answered: "not one drop of blood." I did not believe how this was possible. I could not feel my hand! I began to shout at him: I do not believe you, you are lying to me, you are a liar! Yaakov grabbed the book of Psalms in the car and said: "Look, you see this book, I swear on it that you have no blood. Your hand is OK and we are both going to leave here safe and sound. And I will come to your wedding! I did not believe Yaakov. I wondered who was this optimistic man? There was no way I could survive. He tried to stop me from going unconscious by asking routine questions, such as what's your name? How old are you? It's a bit superficial, but at that moment, I was future tripping on the script of my own horror story: how would I look when I'm paralyzed and disabled and what will become of my life then? I shared these feelings with Yaakov and said: "I do not want to be disabled, I cannot face this."
The angel Yaakov delicately promised me that I would emerge unscathed. He was very confident and explained that help was on its way, that they would rescue me. He explained that he didn’t want to extricate me out of the car to avoid additional injuries. I continued to cry to myself. I could not let go of Yaakov. I grabbed his hand and refused to let it go. I remember he told me that he was going to look for something and I started shouting, "Please, do not leave me, do not leave me alone!" and Yaakov answered that he would never leave me alone, that we would go out together, and most importantly, alive, and that he would come to visit me.
That's all ... From there, I cannot remember a thing; just the police, the rescue team trying to extricate me, and the excruciating pain in my hand. I woke up at half-past twelve in the hospital, doped out on morphine and painkillers. I looked around and could not believe I had survived! I heard the doctor say, "The situation is not stable, there is a head injury, take a CT-scan of the brain at once!" Perhaps a shoulder fracture? I did not care. I started to move each limb to see if everything was in working order. I could not move my left hand. During this time, I thought: where did Yaakov disappear? He was so right ... where is he?
My family arrived. Everyone cried. They had all seen the state of the car before coming to me and did not believe I would come out alive. Afterwards, I was informed that the car's controller had asked the police if the driver had come out alive. When he heard their affirmative response, he said, "It's impossible, nobody comes out alive from an accident of this kind." The controller did not believe it. My family could not believe it. The policemen could not believe it. Nobody believed it!
I could not believe Yaakov! You may want to ask me, what’s so miraculous? I am. I'm the driver ... and I survived. I am not only alive but healthy! The CT of the brain came out normal, the shoulder was not smashed, just lightly injured. I emerged without the slightest scratch; just injuries to the neck and shoulder. But I will survive. If I survived this accident, everything else seems insignificant!
If you could see the dire condition of the car, you'd understand what happened. I was literally hanging upside down from a thread inside the car, squeezed amid the debris but embraced by the giant and protective arms of the Creator of the universe! If you see me, you will never believe I was the driver.
Yes, it's me, Zohar, I received life as a gift! Thanks to a perfectly timed intervention of the Divine Providence, orchestrated solely by the Master of the Universe. I am proud to embody the example of a living miracle and say: "How great are thy works, Hashem!"
Thank you to our Heavenly Father, who cared for me so that I am here to testify. Thank you for having surrounded me with His great protective arms ... and thank you for choosing the best messenger, Yaakov!
Are you wondering what happened to Ya'acov? He has not disappeared ... He is not a simple messenger! He lives in Kiryat Gat, he has a daughter and two boys, children of an angel without wings ... Yaakov did not forget me. He knew that I had worked at Golda in the past. When he came to the store to look me up, he phoned me to see if I was ok. The conversation with Yaakov was the most moving moment of my life. He did not think he deserved thanks for saving my life!
If anyone had any doubt, Yaakov saved my life. Thank you, Yaakov, for the thousandth time, no words can describe how grateful I am. Thank you. Thanks to you I got my life back! Thank you for people like you, who still live in this cruel world. Thank you very much for being Yaakov, the angel, in every sense of the term. Thank you to the Creator of the Universe for giving me this immense privilege! Value your life and don’t think it is never a given! And remember: you are privileged to be part of this exceptional People! We only find people like Yaakov here.
"King of Kings, Master of the world, thank you. Thank you for keeping me. All words are worthless compared to the gratitude I owe you. From now on, words of praise take on a different dimension for me. Thank you, Master of the world, there’s nothing else but You!
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Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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