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Jewish Thinking

19 Years without Children, and then…Shaatnez!

Published on Tuesday January 19th, 2021

A specialist in checking for Shatnez for 20 years, Rav Mordechai Ruimy, was accustomed to travelling once a year to Morocco. He had been doing so for the past seven years in order to check for Shatnez for the people of the community.

Four years ago, after having advertised, he went to Morocco as usual. People brought their suits to the synagogue so that Rav Ruimy could check them after the Tefilla.

That year, a man named David Assor, then about 58, approached him and said, "I'd like to have my suits checked, but I have about 22, and it's impossible to bring them all. Could you come to my home to check them?", which the Rav, of course, agreed to.

After having finished checking the suits at the synagogue, Rav Ruimy went to David Assor's home and checked his suits. They were all full of Shatnez!

The Rav realized that the house was empty, and he questioned Assor who told him; "We had two daughters, who went to live in France, and it's been 19 years since we have not managed to have any more children. I would have liked to have a boy!"

The Rav then thought of the flyer that he had in his bag telling the story of a woman who had not had a child for 12 years, and who, after having checked her husband's suits, became pregnant. Indeed, it is known that the prayers of a person wearing Shatnez are not listened to... The Rav showed this leaflet to his friend who was very surprised not to have heard about the importance of checking clothes for Shatnez.

The 22 suits were sent to a tailor to remove the problematic areas.

A year later, Rav Ruimy booked his ticket again to go to Morocco. He was going from the 15th to the 27th of January. He then received a call from David Assor.

''Mordechai, it is imperative that you stay until January 30''

''I already booked my ticket. I am leaving on the 27th, but what's going on?

''My wife is expecting twins, and I absolutely want you to attend the Brit Mila. I am convinced that it was thanks to the Mitzvah of Shatnez that we were able to benefit from this miracle!"

Rav Ruimy was extremely happy with this news, and he asked him;

"But how old is your wife?'' "50 years old," said David, who told him they had not had any medical treatment.

The Rav told him that he would try to change his ticket, and David asked him not to tell anyone because people did not know about it.

Rav Ruimy arrived in Morocco on January 17, and David asked him to pray that his wife has an easy birth. During the Tefilla, the Rav opened the Aron Kodesh and prayed for his wife. Just after the Tefilla, he was told that she had given birth ... early! Instead of giving birth on the 22nd, she had given birth on the 17th, so the Rav did not need to change his ticket.

The Rav did not need to think too hard to remember that a year earlier, almost to the day, he went to their home to remove the Shatnez. The joy was complete!

A week later, at the Brit Mila, David hastened to tell the Rav that his suits had been at the tailor for three months. The night he picked up the last suit, his wife became pregnant!

Needless to say, the Rav no longer needed to advertise for people to come and check their Shatnez; the miracle spoke for itself. In fact, he found Shatnez every night when he checked clothes!

Rav Ruimy, therefore, had the merit of being the Shaliach (messenger) for the realization of this miracle. Indeed, after years of Messirut Nefesh to show the importance of Shatnez even to people so distant from Yiddishkeit, he merited to witness an incredible miracle. Thanks to the merit of the Mitzvah of Shatnez!

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