Jewish Thinking
Chalom: What Is the Purpose of a Dream?
Question: What Is the Purpose of a Dream?
Why Was the Redemption Orchestrated by the Merit of Pious...
The redemption from Egypt is connected to the merit of pious women. Our masters wrote: "Israel was delivered from Egypt through the merit of pious women."
The Prohibition of Being Proud: Right to the Goal
1. In the "Nefesh Ha'Chaim", in the additional chapters between the third and fourth part, it says: "Dear reader, with the help of Hashem, I have guided you on the path...
Why Do We Need A Set Liturgy For Prayers?
1-minute video class given by Rav Jonathan TAWIL.
Superman, Christopher Reeve and...Pessach!
Millions of fans know him as the legendary "Iron Man", able to uproot cliffs and lift buildings. However, one day Christopher Reeve woke up and realized was unable...
Egypt: 210 Years of Slavery and a Divine Deliverance
Seder night is here. I begin to read the Passover Haggadah with uncontained emotion. I read the story of the Ten Plagues, blood, frogs, wild beasts, etc.
An Outstanding Wedding Gift
4-minute story told by Rav Shmuel GALANDAUER.
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community