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Mussar - Jewish Ethics

Behaving Like a Jew at Work

Behaving Like a Jew at Work


What’s the first question every person will be asked when (after passing at the age of 120), he ascends to the Heavenly Court?

4 Ways to Reduce Anger

4 Ways to Reduce Anger

The Torah-Box Team

The angry man is often scornful of others. He also judges his neighbor unfavorably.

Great People Sin Greatly!

Great People Sin Greatly!

Rav Yaakov Israel LUGASSY

QUESTION: Why do some pure-hearted men stumble by sinning while some other, much less great people, are not trapped by the Yetzer Hara for such sins?

Rav Kanievsky’s Story: “The Soul of Your Borrower Reincarnated in a Donkey”

Rav Kanievsky’s Story: “The Soul of Your Borrower...

The Torah-Box Team

Rav Chaim Kanievsky recommends that money lenders never keep unpaid loan documents handy.

What is Integrity?

What is Integrity?

The Torah-Box Team

Rabbeinu Bechayei explains that the expression "righteous" best portrays a man who takes extreme precautions in matters related to theft and "upright" distinguishes a...

Where Did You Acquire this Exceptional Love of the Torah?

Where Did You Acquire this Exceptional Love of the Torah?

The Torah-Box Team

Rav Yosef Shalom Cahanman disembarked one fine day in the city of Cincinnati in the USA and was hosted by a prominent Jewish businessman in the Jewish community. His...

Story: Is it the Russian Tsar who Saved these 400 Jews?

Story: Is it the Russian Tsar who Saved these 400 Jews?

Sunday April 11th, 2021

What prompted the Russian Tsar to build a railway line of over 8500 km that lead nowhere? Discover a story of Hashgacha Pratit (divine providence).

Mazal: 3 Things that Depend on…Fate

Mazal: 3 Things that Depend on…Fate

The Torah-Box Team

Rava said (Talmud, Moed Katan 28a): "Life, children, and sustenance are not given in return for merit, but depend on fate", although these are the three most significant... Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 7th, 2025 at 17:36 *
Shabbat ends at 18:36 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community

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