Torah-Box News
Tuesday May 8th
Crying Over Darkness
There is a reason why people who cry are called cry-babies. Crying doesn’t make sense and we assume children are most prone to irrationality. Children do things...
Monday May 7th
What Does a "Living Torah" Mean?
12-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
On the Nefesh HaChaim (Part 5)
50-minute video class given by Rabbi Yaakov HABER.
Adam Neumann: the 20-Billion Business Man Keeps Shabbat
Adam Neumann is one of the most successful Israeli entrepreneurs in the world. He created an American company worth 20 billion dollars, and his capital was recently...
Sunday May 6th
Savlanut: I Paid for the Taxi Twice as to Not Offend my...
An Avreich (man learning Torah full time) recounted the following personal anecdote :
Friday May 4th
Emor: Holy Moments
The parsha of Emor contains a chapter dedicated to the festivals of the Jewish year. There are five such passages in the Torah. Two, both in the book of Exodus (Ex....
Thursday May 3th
My Son Fell in the Stairs...
6-minute video class given by Moe MERNICK.
Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai: Birth and Revelation
The Holy Tanna, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (also known by the acronym of Rashbi), was born nearly fifty years after the destruction of the Second Temple, on the 33rd day of...
Emor: The Duality of Jewish Time
Alongside the holiness of place and person is the holiness of time, something parshat Emor charts in its deceptively simple list of festivals and holy days (Lev....
Wednesday May 2nd
Lag BaOmer: The Divine Fire of the Mitzvah
The 33rd day of the “Omer,” known in Hebrew as Lag BaOmer (based on the numerical values of the letters Lamed and Gimmel adding up to 33), is a very...
Tuesday May 1st
What Are You Dreaming About?
3-minute audio class given by Rabbi Menachem APTER.
The Importance of Time
Pesach has passed and we are all back to our normal routines. Yes, we related the story. Yes, we expounded on the Haggadah. Yes, we listened joyously while our children... Account
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community