Elul—Overcoming Obstacles to Attaining Our Goals: It’s...
15-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Elul—Overcoming Obstacles to Attaining Our Goals (part 1)
15-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Channa, a Prophetess so Feminine
Rabbanite SCHLAMME
In the Gemara Megillah, there is a list of seven prophetesses: Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Channa, Avigail, Chulda, and Esther. It is rather impressive to discover that...
The Third Sheva Brachot: Man's Creation
10-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Parshat Shoftim: The Power of Sincere Tefila
15-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
Recognizing Our True Value
13-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Esther Bitensky.
Bruriah, A Female Heroine in the Talmud
News - Myriam H.
In the history of the Talmud, the wisdom of men is put forward. There were judges who knew how to decide, leaders who knew how to guide, priests who knew how to...
The First Two Sheva Brachot: Emulating Hachem
13-minute video class given by Rebbetzin Rachel Rudman.
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Weekly Parsha
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *
Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community