Awareness Campaigns
The Young Girl on the Bus
Published on Tuesday December 8th, 2020
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Video Link : Campaign #13 - The Young Girl on the Bus
Campaign #13: The Young Girl on the Bus
- Be aware of your judgments.
- Eagerness is a precious value for all of man’s body parts… except for the mouth and the tongue (Rav Dov Ber of Mezeritch)
- Whoever judges his fellow, whether for the good or for the bad, simultaneously reveals his own sentence.
Script: Leah Nabet
As told by Chaim Walder
Shooting and editing: Ruben Journo
Produced by: Leah Nabet
Actors: Rosette Cohen, Leah Atlani, David and Esther Atlani, Raphel Skouri, Shalom Melki
Acknowledgements: Rav Gabriel Dayan