Awareness Campaigns
You Reap the Kids that You Sow
Published on Wednesday December 1st, 2021
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Video Link : Campaign #3 - You Reap the Kids that You Sow
Campaign #3: You Reap the Kids that You Sow
A man reaps what he sowed all his life.
Parents need to give two crucial things to their kids. Love and time. How much time? As much as they need. (Rav Shlomo Wolbe)
Kids are lent to their parents. No reason is good enough to neglect them on any level. (Zria UBinyan BeChinuch p.22)
Script: Leah Nabet
Producer: Binyamin Benhamou
Shooting and editing: Michael Obadia
Acknowledgements: Rav Gabriel Dayan
Actors (in order): Jonathan Berdah, David Seroussi, Moshe Loulou